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Re: ▒ Akatsuki ♦ Art Shop ▒


<r><QUOTE author="FMLHauter"><s>

</s><POST content="332354"><s></s>332354<e></e></POST> You can do it in the best way, okay? I will pay you more than the normal ones <E>:Smile:</E><e>


Yes, don't worry, he'll contact you in forums when he's done with the other people on the list, please be patient <E>:Heart:</E> <E>:Grin:</E></r>



Hours Played: 1000+ hours | Guild: | Server: Silver | Discord Tag: Golden#2746

Re: ▒ Akatsuki ♦ Art Shop ▒


<r><QUOTE author="G0LD3N"><s>

</s><POST content="332365"><s></s>332365<e></e></POST> Yes, don't worry, he'll contact you in forums when he's done with the other people on the list, please be patient <e>
</e></QUOTE>Oke tks <E>:Smile:</E></r>

Re: ▒ Akatsuki ♦ Art Shop ▒


<r>GFX : Vulpine ( Signature + Thread ) - Raich ( User bar & Avatar )<br/>

ASSET(S) : Signature , avatar , user bar<br/>

MAIN COLOR : Black + Red <br/>

IMAGE(S) : Just Kaneki ( Tokyo Ghoul ) and Shiny Duskull<br/>

TEXT : <br/>

- User Bar : Welcome to Poke Ghoul Shop ! <br/>

- Avatar : <br/>

- Signature : Keoxoai21 - Together we are the best - Hornor to be a part of L . O . B ! <br/>

- Thread : Poke Ghoul Shop - Keoxoai21 - Sever BLUE !<br/>

DETAILS : <br/>

- User Bar : just a gastly at the right side of the bar , don't make size gastly too big just little bigger than a bar.<br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/GNb1ZPj.png"><s></e></IMG> <- not good at this sorry <E>:kiss:</E> ( Help me pick gastly shiny or not )<br/>

- Avatar : Kaneki with S Duskull on his shoulder - ( Raich fighting :3 )<br/>

- Signature : <br/>

+ Option 1 : a mashup of Duskull + Kaneki , a handsome white hair Kaneskull with 4 tails<br/>

+ Option 2 : Supprise me if you thinks your idea better than me <E>:Heart:</E> aw I'm no good at this <br/>

( i also want a kyogre and darkrai behind him if it still have space , if not or you thinks it too much so don't <E>:Heart-eyes:</E> )




- Thread : Poke Ghoul ~ Supprise me <br/>


Re: ▒ Akatsuki ♦ Art Shop ▒


<r><QUOTE author="keoxoai21"><s>

</s><POST content="332971"><s></s>332971<e></e></POST> GFX : Vulpine ( Signature ) - Raich ( User bar & Avatar )<br/>

ASSET(S) : Signature , avatar , user bar<br/>

MAIN COLOR : Black + Red <br/>

IMAGE(S) : Just Kaneki ( Tokyo Ghoul ) and Shiny Duskull<br/>

TEXT : <br/>

- User Bar : Welcome to Pokes Ghoul Shop <br/>

- Avatar : <br/>

- Signature : Keoxoai21 - Together we are the best - Hornor to be a part of L . O . B<br/>

DETAILS : <br/>

- User Bar : just a gastly at the right side of the bar , don't make size gastly too big just little bigger than a bar.<br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/GNb1ZPj.png"><s></e></IMG> <- not good at this sorry ( Help me pick gastly shiny or not )<br/>

- Avatar : Kaneki with S Duskull on his shoulder <br/>

- Signature : <br/>

+ Option 1 : a mashup of Duskull + Kaneki , a handsome white hair Kaneskull with 4 tails<br/>

+ Option 2 : Supprise me if you thinks your idea better than me <E>:Heart:</E> aw I'm no good at this <br/>

( i also want a kyogre and darkrai behind him if it still have space , if not or you thinks it too much so don't <E>:Heart-eyes:</E> )







- Can you tell me or mess me the price of all !<e>



Vulpine's signature price: 100k<br/>

Raich's avatar price: 50k<br/>

Raich's userbar price:30k<br/>


In total that'll be 180k, also you might need to be patient, Raich has upcoming exams and Vulpine has many customers, so the wait might be a little long, but i must tell you that IT'S WORTH IT! <E>:Grin:</E></r>



Hours Played: 1000+ hours | Guild: | Server: Silver | Discord Tag: Golden#2746

Re: ▒ Akatsuki ♦ Art Shop ▒


<r><QUOTE author="G0LD3N"><s>

</s><POST content="333035"><s></s>333035<e></e></POST> <br/>


Vulpine's signature price: 100k<br/>

Raich's avatar price: 50k<br/>

Raich's userbar price:30k<br/>


In total that'll be 180k, also you might need to be patient, Raich has upcoming exams and Vulpine has many customers, so the wait might be a little long, but i must tell you that IT'S WORTH IT! <E>:Grin:</E><e>



Ok so i just add more thread <E>:Heart:</E> i'll be very patient for you ! So try your best <E>:thanks:</E></r>

Re: ▒ Akatsuki ♦ Art Shop ▒


<r><QUOTE author="keoxoai21"><s>

</s><POST content="333075"><s></s>333075<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="G0LD3N"><s>
</s><POST content="333035"><s></s>333035<e></e></POST> <br/>


Vulpine's signature price: 100k<br/>

Raich's avatar price: 50k<br/>

Raich's userbar price:30k<br/>


In total that'll be 180k, also you might need to be patient, Raich has upcoming exams and Vulpine has many customers, so the wait might be a little long, but i must tell you that IT'S WORTH IT! <E>:Grin:</E><e>



Ok so i just add more thread <E>:Heart:</E> i'll be very patient for you ! So try your best<e>



Oh, i'm not making it tho XD I'm just telling you to be patient because everyone in the waiting list is patient <E>:Smile:</E></r>



Hours Played: 1000+ hours | Guild: | Server: Silver | Discord Tag: Golden#2746

Re: ▒ Akatsuki ♦ Art Shop ▒


<r>Wanted to stop by and leave Raich a very nice feedback regarding the userbar he made me. Very nice and efficient and is willing to work with you until he gets it right. Dazzled me so good that i requested and bought 2 user bars. Keep up the good work and i can't wait to see what Vulpine has in store for me <E>:Smile:</E></r>


Re: ▒ Akatsuki ♦ Art Shop ▒


<r><QUOTE author="TatsumiChan"><s>

</s><POST content="333111"><s></s>333111<e></e></POST> Wanted to stop by and leave Raich a very nice feedback regarding the userbar he made me. Very nice and efficient and is willing to work with you until he gets it right. Dazzled me so good that i requested and bought 2 user bars. Keep up the good work and i can't wait to see what Vulpine has in store for me <E>:Smile:</E><e>


100% agreed <E>:Grin:</E> <E>:Smile:</E></r>



Hours Played: 1000+ hours | Guild: | Server: Silver | Discord Tag: Golden#2746

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