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Mudkip's Guild Shop (Full PvP & Epic Mons) 03.02.17


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Re: Akatsuki Guild Shop (Full PvP & Epic Mons)


<r><QUOTE author="Lunestra"><s>

</s><POST content="331794"><s></s>331794<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="ViolaLion"><s>
</s><POST content="331459"><s></s>331459<e></e></POST> i'd like to offer 4.2m on Dei's milo and 4m on jelly <E>:Grin:</E><e>

Vio la la la la la, Dei accepted the offer for the Milotic you now have bo on a 24 hour auction - main thread updated.<br/>


Deidara also dei-nied <SIZE size="50"><s></s>(very punny)<e></e></SIZE> the offer for the Jellicent, he is looking for more for it.<e>


Oli li li li, thanks for informing me mista ! <E>:Smile:</E></r>

[glow=red]"I will never grow older, At least not in my mind" ~[/glow]


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Re: Akatsuki Guild Shop (Full PvP & Epic Mons)


<r><QUOTE author="Krepachu"><s>

</s><POST content="332282"><s></s>332282<e></e></POST> 1 ms and 100k for DEIDARA7 impish Gliscore (I price ms on 900k), so thats 1m if you accept my bid<e>

I see that DEIDARA7 doesn't take ms, so I offer 1,1m for impish gliscore</r>


[glow=blue]Soul Society Guild[/glow]

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