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is it true that magnezone cant relearn flash cannon ??

i changed my moveset by accident coz i think it can be relearned :confused:

if it cant , can i know there's tm flash cannon available later that can i used for my magnezone ??


sorry for posting this.. maybe there's some ppl post about this issue .. at least i want to know .. will it be available later

sorry for bad english probably not good grammar , but at least u guys can understand my issue hehe :Crazy:


thx :Angel:

335659 is it true that magnezone cant relearn flash cannon ??

i changed my moveset by accident coz i think it can be relearned :confused:

if it cant , can i know there's tm flash cannon available later that can i used for my magnezone ??


sorry for posting this.. maybe there's some ppl post about this issue .. at least i want to know .. will it be available later

sorry for bad english probably not good grammar , but at least u guys can understand my issue hehe :Crazy:


thx :Angel:


Hello lucayeon,


I just checked bulbapedia for the GenV. GenVI and GenVII and Magnezone can learn Flash Cannon in all of these Gen's by LVLing up or TM.

We don't have a Flash Cannon TM yet.



  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

335680 ow?? is it true??? :P :D


Hello ariel022011,


some say it doesn't work in-game but in theory it should work.



  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

335680 ow?? is it true??? :P :D


Hello ariel022011, I am sorry that this happened to you, but from Magnezone evolution line, both Magnemite and Magneton have their moveset coded to the Generation VI, and Magnezone has the moveset of generation V, which unables him to learn Flash Cannon as Magnezone. And unfortunatly we can't teach moves from prior evolutions, as it also doesn't happen in the original games.

Keep an eye in the Update Logs, as things as a tutor or a TM can be added in the future.

Best of luck and have fun playing :)





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