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Little Excavation Suggestion


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I heard that exca will be the next revamp after bosses, so I would to share some suggestion that will improve the sites. It would be nice if pro fanbase can help improving this feature, so add your ideas. Even little things, everything that can help.


1- Now, only Glacial Sites g. Jones tell us the number of excavation we did. It would be great if, like bosses, we have the choice between checking our progress (like cd for bosses) or tutor moves.

2- Add a warning when you try to leave a Sites. Like "Are you sure you want to leave? Yes/No".

3- Don't let us enter the sites if the 24 days of cd isn't passed. I don't know it this is already implemented, but I said it.

4- Add some other items to be find.

5- Readd the poke that were removed. :Frown:


Any others? Hope we can help with ideas. :y:

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