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A Pokemon Lifer Joining!

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Hey everyone!


My name is James, I am 24 and have played Pokemon since the day my dad came back from a holiday in Japan with Pocket Monsters Green! What regret he feels now! I have been playing another MMO of pokemon that I won't mention as i'm not sure about the rules around here yet. I am very easy going and i make YouTube videos! Don't worry, I'm not here to promote myself! Glad to be here, anyway!

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Talking about other MMOs is allowed here, and even encouraged even.


Welcome :)


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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You won't be able to edit post, add a avatar, add a signature, or view a ton of our available boards on these forums until you reach 8 post.


I've watched your PokeMMO videos a few times, I remember seeing you there myself, although I think we missed actually being ingame at the same time a lot of the time while I was a CM over there.


I subscribed to your channel, I hope you enjoy the game we have going on here.


If you need any help or have anything you want to ask me, feel free to shoot me a PM


Welcome to the Revolution!

“Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.”
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