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I cant use baton pass, in pvp is that normal? if i use it , my pokemons are swaping but not with the stats i boosted up , i tried it on a wild pkm , it works but why not in pvp mode? rules belong 1x baton pass usable during battle, so it may be work or not?


Id enjoy if someone know , what the matter is




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Hello Romanticz


Baton Pass isn't coded corretly, it's a bugged move, which is not bannable.

Baton Pass (sometimes use baton pass, it just switching out Pokemon instead of baton passing to the next Pokemon)[/quote2]


Here is a list with the bugged Moves/Abilitys

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340069 staff just nerfed it cause it'd be too op otherwise so it's working as intended

That's not true, it's just bugged.


I have used Baton Pass several times in PvP. Sometimes it works and I see "X used Baton Pass", sometimes it just doesn't and switches to the next Pokemon like I had chosen to switch normally.

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340084 A friend asked Kagawa and that's the answered he got so staff isn't going to change it anytime soon

I find that hard to believe, there's definitely a misunderstanding/misinformation. If staff were able to disable certain moves for PvP, the moves listed in "Bugged moves/bannable" would have been disabled in PvP instead of asking players to not use the listed moves.

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