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seems that the last pokemon that faints lose the battle

Guest alanudao

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Guest alanudao

here i am again talking about this topic, the first time was because i got a loss when my poke killed the opponents poke, and then got killed by sand storm. it seems that the system logic is that ''if one poke got killed is that must be a pokemon in the other side alive to have inflinted that damage''.This time my talonflame killed the opponent and then fainted to the brave bird recoil, again the system interpreted this as a loss :Nervous: :Bored: :Frown: . so pls fix this, its very frustrating to lose an difficult battle that u gave all of u and deserved the victory.

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351264 actually you will lose and win at the same time.

you will lose by losing rank points but win buy gaining pvp coin iirc, based in my experience but i'm not 100% sure of this, it's not always you get a draw.

If your pokemon is the last to faint then you should win coins and points both therefore it is bugged.

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