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Hello my name Is Plasman I lent some pokemons to my gf Psychoticcez for her to do Kanto E4 and she went to Johto after I told her specifically not to go to Johto without giving them back and she ignored the warning signs shes stuck at morty and shes too lazy to level up her pokemons and try and she wont let me have her account info so I can do it for her its bin 2 weeks since I lent her the pokemons and im tired of waiting for a miracle to happen so is it possible for a admin to give me back my pokemons :thanks: in advance the 5 pokemons are a Watchog, Chandelure, Gyarados, Umbreon, and Tyranitar heres screen shots of some of them

this is the chandelure when it was a litwic






Sadly I dont have a screen shot of Watchog and Gyarados but atleast bring me back those 3 please and thank you

[glow=black][fade]Team Plasma Guild[/fade]<i></i>



I don't think they can, best think probably is lend her another level 100 (from johto) to finish the story faster.

346471 -snip-

Hey there, PlasmaN!

I'm sorry to hear about this inconvenience. Unfortunately as Jamesling95 has said, the only way you can get your Pokemon back is for her to beat the Blackthorn City Gym and obtain the gym badge. A suggestion you could try, as NamelessHero27 has said, is to try to lend her another Johto Pokemon so she could finish the story faster. That being said, I will be locking the thread. I wish her luck in finishing Johto quickly, and I wish you good luck in game!

-Locked as solved-

Until we meet again.

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