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Last Sunday my friend was banned, however, I had paid him to do ev / lv service for my poliwag and my swablu and also lent him the salamance for him to defeat a boss, so I wonder if there is any chance of you returning my Pokemon, just check his account and see that the three pokemon quoted has my OT. Thanks in advance.


(Sorry for my bad english)

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348572 The only way for a staff to take this case serious is if you have screenshots of your trade and conversation of agreement. Other then that I wish you luck with the retrieval of your Pokemon.

The person who has been banned can confirm that I am speaking the truth. His word counts as proof, right?

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348580 The person who has been banned can confirm that I am speaking the truth. His word counts as proof, right?

I would want to say yes, but I am not a staff member to officialy answer that claim. Wait for a staff member to see your post. They may not respond to all posts, but they do read them all.

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348580 he person who has been banned can confirm that I am speaking the truth. His word counts as proof, right?


You should have taken pictures when the transfer & daycare deal were made. If you have it should be easy to get the pokemon back.


348580 The person who has been banned can confirm that I am speaking the truth. His word counts as proof, right?


He's banned, so his words lack credibility without solid evidence.

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348613 I don't have any print, like i said before, we're friends, so i trust him. But i never figured that he'll be banned. .-.


Hello JungieSoo,


there is nothing you can do about it, if you can't prove that you traded the pokemons to him.



  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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348646 I have a print, but os a print of Skype chat, Me and bom talking about It. (In portuguese cause we're from Brazil)





Look at the day, month and year.


Hello JungieSoo,


this is not enough evidence to proof anything, sadly. I am sorry for the inconvenience.



  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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Hello JungieSoo! Unfortunately, because you have no screenshots, we won't be able to retrieve the pokemon from your friend. However, if your friend appeals in the Discipline Appeals sub-forum, and he gets unbanned, theres is a chance for you to retrieve your pokemon. Always remember to take screenshots of any trades you do, even if its with a friend. It could save you from a huge headache. Since your question has been answered I'll be locking this topic as solved. Have a nice day!

[glow=red]Locked as solved[/glow]


Do not contact staff members for private support. Please share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. All PMs will be trashed.


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