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Link's PokeMarket !! Huge Shop With Over 150 PvP Pokemons Affordable For Any Player !! (Updated 26/9/24)

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Re: Link's PokeMarket !!PVP/untrained + a HUGE collection with 105 shinies & more (29/4/17)


<r><QUOTE author="Variation" post_id="383480" time="1494239169" user_id="657231"><s>


hello, i'm wondering how much you want to sell this shiny collection ?<br/>




hello and sorry was very busy yesterday!!well depends..thats why i am looking for a satisfying offer..cause i sell them ''only'' all together with many chain evos etc..if u say an average 40k x 105 is around 4m+ but some worth alot more cause of good natures/abilities and ivs and i spent 2 much time 2 collect them..so collecting offers mate <E>:Smile:</E> <E>:Angel:</E></r>

  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Link's PokeMarket !!PVP/untrained + a HUGE collection with 105 shinies & more (29/4/17)


<r>up <E>:Light:</E> <E>:Shy:</E> <E>:y:</E></r>

Re: Link's PokeMarket !!PVP/Untrained/Shinies (26/5/17)


<r><URL url="https://prntscr.com/ffdp5g">https://prntscr.com/ffdp5g</URL><br/>

Do you agree to trade this drilbur with a something like life orb?</r>

Re: Link's PokeMarket !!PVP/Untrained/Shinies (26/5/17)


<r><QUOTE author="ducanh2222ht" post_id="393404" time="1496483088" user_id="1179400"><s>


<URL url="https://prntscr.com/ffdp5g">https://prntscr.com/ffdp5g</URL><br/>

Do you agree to trade this drilbur with a something like life orb?




ofc mate let me know when u are online or pm me ing: Linkaros..or via discord as well Linkaros#8114 <E>:y:</E></r>

Re: Link's PokeMarket !!PVP/Untrained/Shinies (26/5/17)


<r><QUOTE author="ducanh2222ht" post_id="393698" time="1496547502" user_id="1179400"><s>


what is your name in game?



tried several time 2 reach u..but u were offline..probably different timezones..<br/>

my ingame is : Linkaros as i said in the previus msg <E>:Shy:</E></r>

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