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One of my friends is not online recently and he trusted his acc to me.The thing is that i have 4 accs but im not sure if its legal. Can a staff tell me if i will be able to use his acc? Because i dont want to get banned for such reason.


Edit: If no can i make 1 of my accs inactive?



I don't see why it's a problem. I haven't read the TOS lately (or at all) but there'd be no way to track who logs in that account anyways. Unless PRO's account services can track IP sign-in or unusual behaviour. But again, if you're just playing to have fun with it, it would be the same as making a new account. I would think.





358016 -snip-


Hello Revelion,


so there is something called rules ( :Heart: ), this means you are allowed to play on your friends account and I know a lot of people who have more than 4 accounts :)


3. Account sharing is not recommended, however if you share the account with someone they must also agree to the Terms and Conditions, and they become your responsibility for any actions which violate the Terms of Service.


source: Rules

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