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Rest bug - not failing at full hp (can cure status at 100% and pp stall)


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As the title implies, the move Rest is bugged in PRO.


Currently i experienced people using Rest on a pokemon at 100% hp to either pp stall or/and cure status.


According to Bulbapedia it says you can't use it at full hp. This was written at Gen 1 and i didn't see any changes in those rules on the page. I decided to test on showdown just to make sure. The move does indeed fail on showdown if, say a paralyzed pokemon, try to use Rest at full hp.


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Re: Rest bug - not failing at full hp (can cure status and pp at 100%)


<r>^ just a visual of this<br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/O8H9169.gif"><s></e></IMG></r>

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