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Hello Kingdon,


this is simply not possible but you can create a new account and start over or change the server you are playing on. You can have up to 4 accounts on 2 emails. :)

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An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.


Hey there Kingdon!


I am sorry to hear about this inconvenience. As PreHax has said above and on the Please read before you make a general support post, it is not possible to reset your account. However, You are entitled to create another account as the rules state you can have only 2 per e-mail address (You are permitted to have 2 accounts per email address and up to 4 per person) or play in other servers as per server have different save.

I am sorry to have to inform you of this, but however you are more than welcome to make a another account. Since your question is answered I will now lock the thread, and I hope you enjoy your weekend! :)

[glow=green]-Locked as Solved-[/glow]

Until we meet again.

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