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I Agree +1

[center][b][color=#0080FF][size=5][font=Impact]Member Of Illusion[/color]<i>[/font][/size]</i>[/b][/center] [center][img]https://gyazo.com/323e4fe7012aa92a7dc71674f773b0aa.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b][color=#0000FF]Blue Server[/color][/b][/center]
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I totally agree, i prefer the old version of forum for 3 reasons :

- The WHITE, it burns my eyes so hard :Frown:

- Everything is big, why? Most of players are young, we are not old people who needs big icons to see it, our eyes are fine, we don't need everything in big. With this version, in 1 screen we saw less informations :Angry: Oh wait, maybe the white burns our eyes, so we need bigger icons to see it after :devil:

- And the Profile/Useful link part on the right. We don't need it, the link in this part are available on the top of the forum for profile and in the bottom for useful links (or we can find it easy : welcome, trade, support). We have less space for a post when we look at a topic.



So, i zoom out the forum when i want to use it: more informations, less big, more space for useful informations, etc.


Server : Gold - Name : Kaminokage - Guild : FrenchConnexion



Ex-member of the Chaos on Silver


My personnal shop : https://tinyurl.com/y8bbuoq9

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Please note that I had to update to new php version and current forum setup does not fully support old style I did. I can enable it but it would throw errors. Regarding last topics you see on the index, things have changed and old system will not work with the current one. I will be adding last topics on the top as soon as I am able. If you haven't noticed I already added some darker elements to this style such as frame, every second post is bit greyer, quotes are now in colour. I will be adding and changing more as I go. I am quite busy and I am not sure when I will be doing stuff but hopefully very soon. As for totally dark style I did back in day I am not ruling out its introduction in near future.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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Please note that I had to update to new php version and current forum setup does not fully support old style I did. I can enable it but it would throw errors. Regarding last topics you see on the index, things have changed and old system will not work with the current one. I will be adding last topics on the top as soon as I am able. If you haven't noticed I already added some darker elements to this style such as frame, every second post is bit greyer, quotes are now in colour. I will be adding and changing more as I go. I am quite busy and I am not sure when I will be doing stuff but hopefully very soon. As for totally dark style I did back in day I am not ruling out its introduction in near future.

Don't come back to old style, too much bugs will happen xD

We trust you to do good work and change it :y:

I saw some of the changes you did and there are nice :Heart:

Server : Gold - Name : Kaminokage - Guild : FrenchConnexion



Ex-member of the Chaos on Silver


My personnal shop : https://tinyurl.com/y8bbuoq9

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