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Hello, when ever i use playrough the accuracy doesnt seem like 90% at all. I don't know if I am really unlucky or not but whenever I playrough for the first time it misses nearly 100%. :/


Hello han1996,


the rates in PRO work fine, you are just super unlucky sadly. :)

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.




Accuracy in PRO is bugged and doesn't work as intended. These bans are implemented to stop players abusing the moves and dragging battles out for extremely long periods of time. Without the bans, players could raise their evasiveness/ lower opponent's accuracy and turn the battle into a situation where one player is severely disadvantaged, removing any chance they might've had.

Hopefully this helps you understand the ban a little more. When accuracy and evasiveness are coded correctly, there will be an announcement in the Announcement section :p


This might explain it. Same with some other odds in PRO from my experience. I had an opponent breaking through paralysis for 5+ turns in a row. I don't know if it's just luck.




Accuracy in PRO is bugged and doesn't work as intended. These bans are implemented to stop players abusing the moves and dragging battles out for extremely long periods of time. Without the bans, players could raise their evasiveness/ lower opponent's accuracy and turn the battle into a situation where one player is severely disadvantaged, removing any chance they might've had.

Hopefully this helps you understand the ban a little more. When accuracy and evasiveness are coded correctly, there will be an announcement in the Announcement section :p


This might explain it. Same with some other odds in PRO from my experience. I had an opponent breaking through paralysis for 5+ turns in a row. I don't know if it's just luck.


well im missing every play roughs and im taking videos from now on. Cause if im missing every single play rought why dont they just put it is 30% or something so that no one gets harmed from using it.

I think a lot of these situations the person is either very lucky, or unlucky. Since this doesn't seem to be a huge problem as not many people have posted about it on the forums. If other situations like this occur on the forums then there might be an actual problem, but i doubt it.



Hey there Han1996.

I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing this issue. The accuracy for the move Play Rough is indeed 90% accuracy in pro. You may be having a string of bad luck, which tends to happen to all of us from time to time unfortunately. If you find any bugged moves in the future you should post them in the battle system bugs sub-forum. That being said, I will now lock the thread. I wish you the best of luck in future battles :)

[glow=green]-Locked as Solved-[/glow]

Until we meet again.

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