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Is it possible to get or request a rename of ones guild?


Hello Bendiix,


sadly this is not possible tmk, you can only change your Guildicon. :)

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Is it possible to get or request a rename of ones guild?


Hello Bendiix,


sadly this is not possible tmk, you can only change your Guildicon. :)


Thanks for the reply, a bit sad, its too expensive to disband and buy a new guild, so ill just stick with my name i guess. :)


Have a good one mate.

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Hey there Bendixx!

I'm glad to see that PreHax was able to help you solve your issue. Currently you cannot change the name of your guild once you make it. The only other option you would have would to be to make a new guild with the desired name. That being said, since the issue is resolved I will now lock the thread. I hope you have a great day! :)

[glow=green]-Locked as Solved-[/glow]

Until we meet again.

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