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Info show up on Android's


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The items on androids do not show info about what it does for you so I would like it if maybe there would be an update for it


Things like this i would assume will take some time. Believe me you are not the first player who has mentioned this. Just try to be patient ^_^

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Hello Blade0926,


this will explain it a bit further for you (basically means that there is no ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) for anything in PRO).



(Including new Ability / Evolution / Animation / Pokemon cries / Battle music /[glow=red] Item description [/glow]/ Pre evolution move tutor)

Unfortunately we can't give you an ETA on when new things will be coded in or updated within the game. Please keep an eye on the update logs, as that's where you'll find news about features that have been recently coded into the game. You can also post in this thread about a move tutor you'd like to see added to the game, though please keep in mind that each account is only allowed to suggest one move.


For all of these, you'll need to be patient and wait. Remember that our staff team is constantly working to improve the game: artists are creating new animations and sprites, scripters are writing and implementing scripts, and Shane is always working on coding new features and improvements into the client. We need time to fix and update everything, so please be patient.

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I don't think the topic should be about ETA, as item details do exist in ALL BUILDS. It's the fact, there no way to hover over an item on Android just like it's PC/Mac counterparts. Though this is already known by most of the player base. The only thing I recommend is trying to make a suggestion and pray Shane finds a way to find a solution to the problem.

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