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Hmm....I thought any kind of of advertising would pretty much led to a silence. I mean, that is why we have the Guild Board for.


Definitely agree that spasming guild advertisements in any chat should lead to a mute.


Nah, its only bannable if it keeps getting spammed over and over. Which falls under the general mute procedure. Tho i dont think there is anything limiting guild advertisement. Not that important really...


Tho yeah, i'll agree on /ignore command


ok Im going to report ppl who post their guild advertisement more then once within 10min and let the mods handle it I guess if this is your stance


Feel free to do so if its annoying you or getting spammed that much. If lets say 50 guilds were spamming endlessly every hour or so, a rule could've been considered.


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

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