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people already bought perfect ou pokemons time and time again....


Yeah and initially people grinded for them. Now all you need is to get the correct nature + ability with a few good IVs and just reroll. You're missing the whole point.

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The only way this could work without making a considerable amount of damage is to make it REALLY risky.These are only a few ideas I scrapped and I wrote them in a hurry so I didn't have time to think if any of them will actually work. I just wanted to say that the coins will affect the player base if they are usable without any risks.

Examples down below:


1 -The option to lock only 2 stats FOREVER. Say you like the 31 IVs on your Pokemon's HP and DEF so you lock them and then re-roll. The trick is these stats are forever locked and you cannot change or lock any other stats on the said Pokemon. EVER.


2 -Another option is the chance to fail. It's annoying but at least it will make you think twice about doing it. Very undesirable outcome but still makes you fear that evil IV coin.


3 -Restrictions to the amount of Coins you can use per week/month. Lets say the limit should be something like 20/week or 60/month...something along those lines.

***This can be abused by people with alt accounts so I can't really think of a way to work around it.***


4 -Restrictions to the amount of re-rolls you can do on the said Pokemon. If you can re-roll only 1-2 times then it will give you the opportunity to get something better while not abusing it constantly.

You can add a text that says "Re-rolled 2 times" to avoid people scamming others by selling the Pokemon with the promise of it being a fresh catch.


5 -Releasing these IV Coins on a weekly/monthly basis by a limited amount. Something like only 1000 in the store for a week/month.


6 -You can also give something like an Alchemy Pot to every player and make it produce IV Coins depending on the amount of Pokemon the player has defeated. For example 1 IV Coin gets produced for 100 defeated Pokemon in CC or DD. Examples:


Defeat 100 Pokemon in CC or DD = 1st Coin

Defeat 350 Pokemon in CC or DD = 2nd Coin

Defeat 700 Pokemon in CC or DD = 3rd Coin


These should be non trade-able items and it will be rewarding for the player as they have went through blood and sweat to get it. It will give them a 2nd chance to re-roll that awful 6x 04 Dratini.



7 - This is probably the best one I could think of and is a REALLY REALLY good idea in my opinion. Make it IMPOSSIBLE to re-roll if the Pokemon has 3-4 stats that are over 25-30.

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Well to be honest, i knew that stuff like this is coming already half a year ago and it was the reason why i left pro as staff and as a player. Didnt know shane is that desperate tho for money that he shits on his community that bad, i just assumed pro slowly gonna die cause no updates in the long run cause new game is coming. Well, im sure a majority of the commited playerbase wont follow into that new game, cause there is no reason to put any trust in this project anymore. Probably it gonna die again as soon shane changes his mind again.

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This change would make alot of players stop playing the game , we spend alot of hours farming pokes , trying to get the right nature the right ability and good ivs , the difference between PRO and POKEMMO is that here you need to try hard , to get a good team , and in pokemmo all pokes have 31 ivs , ur making the same but instead of implant breeding ur asking money for it.

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Fixed Move:

Whirlpool: Now traps the target


Fixed Ability:

Cloud Nine: Now work and clear the clime





Black Medalion

Coin Cost: 40C

Description: 72 Hours of +20% Hidden Ability Chance



Basic Hidden ability spawn rate: 5% (1/20 Pokemon)

With item boost Hidden ability spawn rate: 25% (1/4 Pokemon)


The new item allows an easier pokemon farm of taller tier spawn as:

Bulbasaur, Sableye, Dratini, Eevee and more ... which would otherwise be almost impossible:

Analyzing the Farm of a Bulbasaur usable in pvp (Not Inserting Fail Sync and Low Stats) we notice that:

For the capture of a Bulbasaur h.a. We need to capture 20 bulbasaur on average we can establish that a bulbasaur can be found 1 every 2 safari, so spawn rate 1 every 40 minutes on average, adding that a pvp usable bulbasaur needs the hidden power fire, add the 16 potential hiddenpoints , In these 16 the possibility of being hp fire is: 6.25%, so every 20 bulbasaur we have 6.25% that is hidden ability and hp fire, to achieve the mathematical certainty of finding it should have captured 17 * 20 bulbasaur Which is a total of 340 bulbasaur

Every bulbasaur takes a 40 minute time so we have 13,600 minutes of safaris that correspond to 9,4 continuous farm days that in terms of game result from 18 to 30 days of farm, without including 50% of the fail sync and Ivs random, which would increase the farm to impossible times. Reducing this colossal time from 1/20 to 1/4 will make these farms possible and bring new Pokemon to pvp and market.



Actual hours of the item actually decay from 72h to a probable up to 30h.

Expense of 40C is not excessive and worth the investment


It would be worth a bigger price (50-80c) with the ability to remove the item as a simple customization.





Coin Capsule

Coin Cost: 100C

Description: The capsule contains 100C



By inserting this item it introduces the actual possibility of exchanging the Coins and not the items as it has been done so far, and was probably included for the new feature that will be shown later in the post.



The idea of inserting these Coin Capsules into some bosses as a reward is great, making the boss more attractive



It would be nice, since the pvp coin market is fairly saturated and almost worthless, to put these Coin Capsules available through pvp coin.





Added the possibility of performing a reroll of specific Iv's in a completely random way.


At a price of 20C you will be able to use a reroll that will randomly modify your Pokemon's Iv's with the chance to lock some iv's (12C for each lock).




Will this function weigh in the market negatively?


Will this feature make the game pay to win?


Will Farm be useless and die?



What's going to happen with this new feature, let's start:


1. More competitive PvP, implementing this feature together with boost h.a. Open the pvp to new pokemons that will change half by expanding the teams present in it.


2. Farm unchanged, the cost of Pokemon Epic will not change, in fact it could rise, since a reroll costing coins estimated at a variable price of 300k\500k, its loss of value due to rarity reduction is offset by the cost of rerolls, while a pokemon Farmed that without reroll has iv's very high will have an increased base price thanks to rerolls.

While pokemons that by the slightest gain of only one or two ivs will increase in value as with a base investment of 300 \ 900k you might be able to improve the pokemon very positively. Basically, the farm will not be interrupted, it will increase in search of pokemon with at least 2 \ 3 statistics acceptable on the 29+ so you can re-roll the remaining 2 without having to access an excessive and unrewardable expense.


3. With the addition of the Capsule Coin you are guaranteed to those who do not buy coins with real money the chance to use rerolls using the currency of the game, for those who can not afford a spending that varies on the 600k will still be able to drop it randomly from Some bosses. So just with the drama to say "PayToWin" is not so. This system is just a form of modified breeding and made it much more difficult and costly.




1. PvP more competitive

2. Farm open to more pokemon

3. Farm going from the search for a full 25+ looking for 3 statistics on 6 that allow a reroll of stats

4. Pokemon prices that will theoretically swing between the current value-added prices that will create a new market for all of those pokemons with Iv's high but with a low trough statistic.


So in conclusion, according to my opinion when analyzed is a patch more than positive.




p.s. I'm sorry for my english :P

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It clear its a bad move to add it but if theres going to be a 2.0 im more in to wanting to know if what we have here is going to be able to cross over to this new vr or game.

Other thin a link pic of shane saying hes been working on a new game theres nothing said by the post if its a new vr of this or a 100% new game where every one will have to start over or not.

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It clear its a bad move to add it but if theres going to be a 2.0 im more in to wanting to know if what we have here is going to be able to cross over to this new vr or game.

Other thin a link pic of shane saying hes been working on a new game theres nothing said by the post if its a new vr of this or a 100% new game where every one will have to start over or not.


will be a new game not connected to pro, so u gotta start from scratch

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welp looks like im done here thin no point in playing this any more just knowing that im going to lose every thing any way as soon as the new game comes out.

And that my guess that there will be less and less new things for here if this does stay up after this new game comes out.


I get the concept that we could lose all work in games like this at any time thats nothing new but knowing that theres going to be a new game and this one will probly close is another thing .


knowing the game has a high % to close i think would make any incentive to keep playing 0 i know it does for me lol.


Ill probly check out this new game when its out if i even remember it or see youtube vids about it


But needless to say im done playing here its been fun but no point in putting any more time in to it at this point after this

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It clear its a bad move to add it but if theres going to be a 2.0 im more in to wanting to know if what we have here is going to be able to cross over to this new vr or game.

Other thin a link pic of shane saying hes been working on a new game theres nothing said by the post if its a new vr of this or a 100% new game where every one will have to start over or not.


will be a new game not connected to pro, so u gotta start from scratch


Seriously ?

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