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Hello [mention]Tobyy[/mention],


sadly the move "Ice Shard" is only a pre-evolution move, this means you can not learn it as Cloyster. A pre-evolution move tutor is already on suggestion list, so it might get implemented in the future but for now there is nothing you can do about it.

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Hey Tobyy!

I am sorry to hear about this inconvenience. As PreHax has said above, Cloyster can not learn Ice Shard, only it's pre-evolution Shellder can. There is currently no way to learn moves from previous evolutions. I am sorry to have to inform you of this. Since you question is answered, I will now lock the thread. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week! :)

[glow=green]-Locked as Solved-[/glow]

Until we meet again.

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