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ok so im on my way to saffron city as always and as usualy my looking in my bag and i just go by npc and my bag close and i immidiatly start to trigger then i notice pretti much every port npc guard thingy close ur back when u walk by them and im i like what is his buiseness closing my bag when im looking in it, i got shit to do i need to look in my purse while walking i dont have time for this stuff when im in the center looking at my pokeman


just wanted to let u know like this is just big trigger and im sure many people get hard trigger from this so im just letting u know ok i lvoe u guys have a good day thx for listening i hope u can find aw4y to fix this issue aite thx love u guys thx for reading i hope u can look in to it ok love u guys thx have a great day guys im serious really have a great day and remember to smile ok :heart: ok im out see you tomorrow guys bai

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+1, not sure if it's fixable though

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