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Today I have attempted to evolve as many pokemon as possible in order to gain access to various things. I had a caterpie, nidoran f, and pantret all 1xp from their evolution. Entered a battle switched each one in and out to ensure they each got the xp. To my surprise only pantret evolved after leveling up.


1: Why can only 1 pokemon evolve after a battle? I would like to see multiple evolutions after a battle possible.


2: When clicking on pokemon in chat and contemplating to purchase or not, it would be nice to see the move set and ev's trained. Having to spend $$$ on berries and relearning moves should be taken into consideration before buying a pokemon in my opinion.


3. As mentioned in a few other posts: the pokemon box. It seems to sort by page instead of the entire box. Could we see more than 15 pokes at a time? When we have 800+ pokes scrolling through 15 pokes at a time is time consuming.


4. A quest log of some sort. For instance: I remember having to search for somebody in a forest but I can't for the life of me remember anything else about it.


5. A way to purchase more than 100 coins at a time? If i want 200 coins I must spam my paypal twice? Or is there and I haven't figured it out?


6. A "popular" moveset / evs trained window on each poke. Chat is spammed with the same questions over and over. Yes, that is common in an mmo. However, I ran across a cool app that has a "strategies" tab. In the tab it shows two popular move sets which includes which ev's to train. I thought this would be a cool feature in the game. Of course everyone can build pokes how they want, but a "popular" set for people to see in game would be cool.


7. Accessible statistics. How many pokemon encounters have I been in? How many since my last shiny? How many times have I headbutted? Ran from battle? Fainted times? These would all be neat to see in the game.


8. The clothes and mount ideas are awesome. So, of course I would suggest more variety. I would love to see a tyranitar mount ^-^.


9. There is more spam from mods / cc's trying to keep people posting in intended chat, than anything else. "ask for rates here" "story help only". People come to help chat for just that. So constantly seeing people turned away from the help tab when asking for help with something is kind of annoying, especially reading it 100 times a night. To fix this: I would suggest an overlay for each tab. When highlighted over it - itll give a brief description on your intended purpose for each of the rooms. Also, some type of bot could type the intention or description right into chat every 15-30 minutes. This would alleviate cc's and mod's from babysitting.. or at least limit their load and they can concentrate on other things.


10. A link directly to forums from in game? This would help those on mobile.

My Life is a Video Game.





1. More than one poke evolving at a time would be nice, not sure if possible or if its just limitations based on the coding.


2. This would be nice, but for competitive purposes it won't be implemented. If it showed EVs and moves then people who arent trading pokemon can't link their pvp pokemon in chat (for example my OT Hydreigon will never be traded but I post it in all chat from time to time), because then people will remember what pokemon you have and if you have a moveset with a surprise or something on it, it wont be a surprise.


3. There's a search function in your pc. Use it. Type the name of your pokemon. Also if you've got 800 pokemon, and you're still trying to evolve things like Caterpie and Nidoran for dex, you need to do a purge.


4. I could maybe see some value in this, however its not a thing that any pokemon game has ever done because "quests" (if you can even call them that) are not complex/can easily be finished by asking Help Chat or checking the forums.


5. This would be nice. I think (again) this is a limitation based on either PayPal or the coding, though.


6. The website is called Smogon. It has every competitive moveset, EVs, nature, ability etc. It's unnecessary work to code this into PRO where it exists with an easy google search.


7. I LOVE this idea. Would love to know this information. I've got like almost 950 hours, i'm sure my numbers must be crazy.


8. There's a thread for suggesting new mounts. Add Tyranitar to it.


9.I I'm not sure what server you're on, but Blue that's rarely a problem. The chat guidelines are also on the forum. Mods are there to enforce it.


10. The forums are also an easy google search away, or you can bookmark them for your convenience.







2. This would be nice, but for competitive purposes it won't be implemented. If it showed EVs and moves then people who arent trading pokemon can't link their pvp pokemon in chat (for example my OT Hydreigon will never be traded but I post it in all chat from time to time), because then people will remember what pokemon you have and if you have a moveset with a surprise or something on it, it wont be a surprise.


3. There's a search function in your pc. Use it. Type the name of your pokemon. Also if you've got 800 pokemon, and you're still trying to evolve things like Caterpie and Nidoran for dex, you need to do a purge.


6. The website is called Smogon. It has every competitive moveset, EVs, nature, ability etc. It's unnecessary work to code this into PRO where it exists with an easy google search.


9.I I'm not sure what server you're on, but Blue that's rarely a problem. The chat guidelines are also on the forum. Mods are there to enforce it.


10. The forums are also an easy google search away, or you can bookmark them for your convenience.


Thank you for your reply!


2. Ahh, I have never been a huge pvp'er but I can see your point of view.!However, linking your pokemon with iv's it would be easy to calculate where you spent ev points at anyways. So that is already there. I can see about the moveset though.


3. The search isn't flawless, for instance you cannot search for nidoran female or male. So sifting through page after page can be troublesome. I could have been more specific with what I meant.


6. I get that you can get online and do your research, trust me. I do it. What I am getting at is the same question being asked every 20 seconds in every chat. What is the best moveset? Should I learn this? Which is the better move? Smogon is nice. While I agree with everything you said, a portion of people don't do their own research they rely on in-game resources chat, etc for their info.


9. I am on blue server as well. I started 3 weeks ago and have put over 300 hours in. I am not sure when you play or how often, but for the 15+ hours ive put in each day for the last 3 weeks it - mods and cc are saying the same thing every 30 secs. if Shamac, Shaui and St4rlord want to repeat the same, "please ask for rates in battle/all chat", "help chat is for story help", phrases 300 times a night by all means. It is their volunteer time afterall. I just suggest adding a hover description or something similar. The vast majority of players arent getting on the forums to read the "ingame chat rules guidelines". ^-^

My Life is a Video Game.



Okay well I guess if you're putting in 15 hours a day then I understand why it seems like they're talking a lot lmao holy smokes... you have 1/3rd of my hours (which has taken me a year to get) in 3 weeks


Haha yea... just separated from the military so in between jobs. 300hrs and still havent been to hoenn. I mainly farm so thats why I brought the box up. It is indeed loaded with pokes haha.

My Life is a Video Game.



Rather than creating another thread I thought I would bump this one. No other opinions? Specifically the statistics? I can not be the only one interested. I spoke with a cc in game and he seemed pretty confident that money earned was saved on servers. I think it would be awesome to see things such as total money earned, total pokemon caught, released, encounters since last shiny (or encounters total - we can calculate from there) or anything else the server could already be keeping track of. Opinions? Thor? anyone? ^-^

My Life is a Video Game.



Rather than creating another thread I thought I would bump this one. No other opinions? Specifically the statistics? I can not be the only one interested. I spoke with a cc in game and he seemed pretty confident that money earned was saved on servers. I think it would be awesome to see things such as total money earned, total pokemon caught, released, encounters since last shiny (or encounters total - we can calculate from there) or anything else the server could already be keeping track of. Opinions? Thor? anyone? ^-^

I like the "statistics" :D but I really don't think it can be done due to the effects of the infamous "rollback" thing(bug?). Still I'm keeping my hopes up for it.





Our present sufferings are not worth comparing

to the glory that will be revealed in us.

-Romans 8:18

Another random little suggestion:


It would be nice to have a item buyer in the big market.

I mean a buyer for all those useless item that fill our bags, like Berries buyer. I can see the problem, people farming to much money, but if every single item prices is 100$, nobody will farm money. And maybe, don't know, a less full bag will help against the freezing bag bug (is it possible?). Put all in the trash can feel a little wasted...

I agree with every suggestion, even though 6 and 7 are really not something to prioritize imo.

And to the ones who argue the 2 would be a problem for pvp, the solution is really simple, you could tick a check box to tell if you want the moveset to be shown (because the ev are calculable anyway); but even if the staff doesn't want to show move and make a check box I really think that seeing at least the EV would be great for trading.

[glow=black]A limitless gratitude[/glow]

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