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The Definition:

IMBUE (im-byoo) - To inspire or influence thoroughly.

NO (noh) - Used to express refusal, denial, disbelief or disagreement.

KUDOS (koo-dohz) - a statement of praise or approval; accolade; compliment.


Guild Leader: Adaline03</COLOR><i></i>

Officers:<COLOR color="#0000FF">Iceyfire,Botspam,Pokemasterpeter, SemiSuper, Utopia


Hello Everyone! Let me make this short. Imbue No Kudos is a Guild made not to focus on PVP. If you wanna enjoy day by day "chit-chats" , collecting awesome pokes and shinies, then you are so much welcome in our Guild!We are also open to help you in your awesome pokemon journey by giving advices.


How to Apply: You may Leave a message here or PM anyone of us In game .

Requirement: Be friendly and awesome :Angel:



1. Inspire Others ( Imbue)

2. No fighting between Guild-mates esp in Ranked Ladder.

3. No Stealing.

4. No harassing Other Players.

5. No demanding.

6. Praise everyone for their generous contributions to the game (Kudos) :Angel:

Good luck o/

  • random number generation

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