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NoMercy - Silver Server


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• Why do you want to join NoMercy?

I used to be in the blue mystic and like was here for the first few weeks of no mercy and most people were really helpful and friendly and I used to love the events u guys held but I'm not sure if yall still have em( stopped playing the game 2 years back to focus on studies and stuff and I forgot the password of the account and the email I used for that account so I can't do the forgot password thingy T-T)

• What can you contribute to NoMercy?

Pvp ratings I guess and maybe later on I can help out with ev and lvl service

• Have you ever been banned in PRO, and why?


• Other than having fun playing the game, what are your goals in PRO?

I really enjoy pvp so I guess my goal is to build a really solid team and just battle I guess

• How old are you and other than English, what languages do you speak?

17, I speak Bahasa Malaysia also but English as main

• What is your discord name and ID tag number? (Example: teerav#0975)


• Provide a screenshot of your Trainer Card.[ATTACH=full]38824[/ATTACH]


Hey there, please get in touch with me on discord, dakivid#4586. Thank you!

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Hello i am Denis

I want to join because i need friends

no u got banned

getting better than chris so higher than rank 2

im 15 and i can speak german




I'll forward it to Teerav or any of the officers. You forgot one question btw, What can you contribute to NoMercy ?


Would be great if you could answer that question aswell.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi I'm Tofuistofu

I recently came back to PRO a couple of months ago after taking a year break. I used to be on FenixReborn before all the servers got combined to together and got kicked when it happened. Looking for a new guild.

I'm 23 and currently working so not super active (play one or twice a week), so if you are looking for more active members that is okay.

I mostly just play PvP these days trying to get better and test out new teams.

I've never been banned

Don't have discord but would be fine creating one if I end up joining the guild.

Trainer Card attached below.


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