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Hello [mention]muaz9921[/mention],


basically how it works, you need 6x level100 pokemon and then you have to enter the Q, if you have entered the Q you will get into a game otherwise it will say "No opponent found" after a few minutes. :P





  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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As [mention]PreHax[/mention] said, you need to have 6 (SIX) level 100 pokemon, and you need click the Find Match to start a battle/find an opponent - if you don't meet the pokemon requirements you won't be able to find a battle, as it would be unfair to either you or your opponent. This way, everyone is on level ground by having the same level pokemon.


I'll mark this topic as solved, as you have been given a full explanation


Please do not PM me with questions - post them on the appropriate channels for everyone to see. [glow=red]Unsolicited messages will be sent to The Outer Dark[/glow]

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