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I'd like to introduce a decent balance team and i'd love to receive opinions from everyone . This is not my team tho just my thought about balance team . So here it is .



Krookodile @ Leftovers

Ability : Intimidate

EV : 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spdef

Impish Nature


- Taunt

- Earthquake

- Steath Rock

- Knock Off


This set of Krookodile is to stop Life Orb max Damage Excadrill in the sand , he can take 3 hits while 1 HKO excadrill and even 2 HKO Tyranitar with 0 investment in Atk . With intimidate and decent bulk , he can take some physical hit , setting rock if possible . Taunt is there to prevent Ferrothorn , donphan , Skarmory from setting hazards since krookodile is fast naturally . Knock off , great stab move , knock the item out of something is always good . Earthquake is another powerful STAB to use .



Tentacruel @ Black Sludge

Ability : Liquid Ooze

EV : 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Speed

Bold Nature


- Scald

- Rapid Spin

- Toxic Spikes / Haze

- Sludge Bomb / Acid Spray


This thing job is to spin away hazards , it's fast naturally , decent bulk , make it a decent spinner . Can check Togekiss , Azumarill , Ludicolo Life Orb , Talonflame , Fighting type that don't have eq , etc . I also pick this since it can cover krookodile weakness pretty well .



Talonflame @ Choice Band

Ability : Gale Wings

EV : 252 Atk / 94 HP / 164 Speed

Jolly Nature


- U-turn

- Flare Blitz

- Gale Wings

- Tailwind


The spread gives enough speed to outspeed choice scarf magnezone (assume both magnezone and talon havs max speed iv) and outspeed almost everything to freely use both flare blitz and gale wings , not just rely on the gale wings ability . U-turn to gain momentum , Tailwind is there to help the rest of the team when talon is below 10% and can't do anything else . The reason why i pick talonflame is that it's pretty broken atm and we have a spinner in the team so it's ok to use talonflame .



Scizor @ Life Orb

Ability : Technician

EV : 94 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Speed

Adamant Nature


- Superpower

- Bullet Punch

- Bug Bite

- Sword Dance/Knock Off/U-turn


This EV gives you the ability to Superpower kill choice specs timid magnezone that wants to trap you , Outspeed base 85 . Life Orb to revenge kill Togekiss , Clefable .. deal with faries . Bug bite boosted by technician can 1HKO things like vaporeon after 1 SD , 1HKO tyranitar or ludicolo .. etc .Sword Dance in case you caught your opponent off guard then sweep their entire team . Almost perfect typing , deal a lot of damage , great pokemon to pick .




Magnezone @ Choice Scarf

Ability : Magnet Pull

EV : 252 Spatk / 252 Speed / 6 Spdef

Timid Nature


- Volt Switch

- Thunderbolt

- Flash Canon

- Hidden Power (Fire)


Pretty straight foward set , steel trapper , kills steel type like skarmory , ferrothorn , scizor ... Can also deal with Togekiss (not the scarf 1) . Choice scarf is to outspeed the max speed scizor that can kill you first and outspeed anything that below 360 speed . Volt Switch to gain momentum , Flash Canon powerful STAB , Thunderbolt is another powerful STAB . Nothing much to say about this set , pretty clear about its job .



One last pokemon is up to you . And sorry for my bad english .

accelgor.gif aegislash.gif blaziken-mega.gif charizard-megax.gif crawdaunt.giflucario-mega.gif
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On paper at least it has a tough time against rain so yeah chansey would be nice


it doesn't , tentacruel switch in ludicolo + politoed combo all day, even floatzel and scare them out with sludge bomb , the biggest counter to this team is bisharp , i've won 10 games so far at 239 rating , the only problem i had is bisharp

accelgor.gif aegislash.gif blaziken-mega.gif charizard-megax.gif crawdaunt.giflucario-mega.gif

On paper at least it has a tough time against rain so yeah chansey would be nice


it doesn't , tentacruel switch in ludicolo + politoed combo all day, even floatzel and scare them out with sludge bomb , the biggest counter to this team is bisharp , i've won 10 games so far at 239 rating , the only problem i had is bisharp


well you've obviously not faced a kabutops/omastar yet and tenta has no solid recovery so it can't check them forever also politoed doesn't care much about tenta unless you run giga drain


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