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Is it worth coming back?


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I quit in April with all the talk of adding more P2W bs, like buyable items that reroll IV's. Did that stuff get implemented? If not is it still planned to? It seemed like they were going hard at a cash grab. Do the servers ever get a queue anymore? Is botting still rampant? also hows Sinnoh? is it good?

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The only thing I know is, Shane said he won't be adding the reroll iv on the next update // Queues are history.


I would suggest off with your chair, have a healthy life, go on an adventure and experence what the real world has in store for you.





Our present sufferings are not worth comparing

to the glory that will be revealed in us.

-Romans 8:18

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So far the most change are regarding the PvP with a lot of new moves to learn from the recently new added move-tutor.

Also some new Bosses/rewards after beating them.

Sinnoh , I let you imagine that if you didnt read anything about it when you came on the forum that mean its not released yet .

You can catch some new pokemons you couldnt catch before but they're useless for PvP so idk if you care or not about that infos.

That's pretty much it, nothing huge to become crazy rightnow.

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I quit in April with all the talk of adding more P2W bs, like buyable items that reroll IV's. Did that stuff get implemented? If not is it still planned to? It seemed like they were going hard at a cash grab. Do the servers ever get a queue anymore? Is botting still rampant? also hows Sinnoh? is it good?


It didn't, I'm pretty sure the rest of the community would flip out too if anything like that was made. Botting is being handled by an amazing staff so I really wouldn't consider it an issue. Servers don't really queue anymore because of the new servers and upgrades to then. Sinnoh is coming but we are still being patient and enjoying the game. I would say, COME BACK :Crazy:


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I quit in April with all the talk of adding more P2W bs, like buyable items that reroll IV's. Did that stuff get implemented? If not is it still planned to? It seemed like they were going hard at a cash grab. Do the servers ever get a queue anymore? Is botting still rampant? also hows Sinnoh? is it good?


Quit in April? That was only last month! Hardly qualifies as "coming back". If you went over at least the first page of the main sub forums here you would have the answers to every one of your questions (considering we are only looking at a gap of 1 month). Want attention much?


And i'm sorry they are looking at ways to make more money. I guess servers are free and so is time and effort that goes into making / maintaining / updating the game. No need to make any money to support the very existence of the game. Maybe it will run on magical pixy dust and update itself as well.


/Sarcasm off.


Even when they did come up with an idea (that, tbh, was bad. I'll give you that much), they ran it by the community to make sure everyone was on the same page. The majority voted no, and it wasn't implemented. You know this, and yet you complain? They actually asked us for our opinion, respected it, and moved on. STILL you have the nerve to complain about it?


If you still feel so entitled i suggest you go back to your "break", this surely isn't the game for you.

mLcUOgl - Imgur.png

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It's worth coming back to this game because when I first started this game I loved it alot cause of pokemon and not like other games I get bored by them but this one I keep playing everyday I love farming exp and pokemons and most of all are my freinds there and a guild that supports you even in life situations they make you more happy. IT'S WORTH IT.

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