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Trade Evolution Megathread


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IGN: imhanjoo

Server: silver


Im sry :(

I didnt press evolve on my larvitar when level 99.


Can you delevel it or evolve it anything will be nice :3



Deleveled. Please, be more careful in the future. - Shinohara
Edited by Shinohara



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In-game name: Nixs

Server: Gold


Need a delevel for my sligoo lvl 100 thank you


Deleveled. Please, be more careful in the future. - Shinohara


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In-game name: J123b

Server: Gold

Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: 24285236


sorry i accidentally leveled it to 100 without evolving please make her level 99 :)

Deleveled. Please, be more careful in the future. - Shinohara
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In-game name: BrunULL

Server: Gold

Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: 24449714


please dlvl my chansey to 99 so i can evolve it. i didnt know she evolves with lvl and happiness. I thought only with happiness. thanks !

Your chansey can evolve even if level 100, make sure it has 255 happiness doing the command /happy 1-6 and then, even if level 100, make it win a wild battle when it has 255 happiness -Shinoahra
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In-game name: Numbman

Server: Gold

Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: 24203232


I need to deleveled my magneton to evolve...... Please help!


Deleveled. Please, be more careful in the future and remember that Magneton evolves when leveled up in the Power Plant in Kanto. - Shinohara
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Apology, but I misclicked on the "no" when leveling up Braixen to Delphox. I was too excited at the fact that I was about to do Elite 4 after a hard training session. Thank you in advance!


IGN: jumeramd

Server: Gold


Done^^ Enjoy!


Edited by Xylos
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Trade request


IGN: Sahagoberserk

Server: gold

GMT Timezone: GMT+1 (Paris)

Hey ! I need help with evolving my clamperl into huntail.

Ty :RowletHeart:


Solved in-game. -Shinohara
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IGN: J123b

again accidentally level 1 time too much without evo

ID 24590809

Thanks a lot for help!!


I have deleveled your pokemon to level98, Please check that. Next time be a bit more careful. - Aghanim.
Edited by Aghanim
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my poke is at lvl 100 but I thought after every fight at that lvl it would try to evolve, it has not and i was wondering if I could get some help with deleveling.


Gold server

and i sent attch with the poke id like help with.

thank you !


I have deleveled the pokemon. Please be more careful next time. Have a nice day! - Aghanim.


Edited by Aghanim
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