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i have read that you cant get dratini in safari zone without ms or without super rod that you only get in johto. i think that is really unfair to make such an iconic pokemon, maybe even THE dragon pokemon in the game unavailable for most people in kanto. im cool with getting certain pokemon earlier like shinx but dratini is probably one of the biggest reasons why people in original games went to the safari zone. what is the reason for that decision?


also, would it be possible to make an option to disable/enable the throwing pokeball animation?

[mention]impish[/mention], Love Island at night, it is a part of Kanto and doesn't need a rod or MS.

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

You can also ask to buy one in trade chat - not ideal but anyone who's farmed for Dratini likely have random off nature/bad IV ones that would be fine for story for relatively cheap. As arlington said, it's a very good pokemon, it has to be hard to get.





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