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everyone who doesnt know the even/uneven order and wants a certain hp like magnemite hp fire knows that it is a drag to always check the ivs on external sites to know what hp type a pokemon has.

i think giving a indication what hidden power type every pokemon has on the status would be a great qol change. just like a bar somewhere with like hp: fire would make it more pleasent to search for hp pokemon.

Hello [mention]impish[/mention],


there was already a suggesiton thread about that and following was a staff reply o/

its done.


a new system function was added to calculate hidden power.


Will be added when the next client/server update is out


source: suggestion thread

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

Well, not only fire is important, there some other hp´s which could be intresting for your Poké. But I agree a hp npc which is telling you your Pokés hp would be nice :D On other site, its not that hard to calculate that.


Im not 100% sure on that but like 95% :P


atk+def = odd

spd = even

spatk = even

spdef = odd

hp = any


For hp fire




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