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Re: ▲BLAZE▲⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO⎪[On Going Guild PvP Tournament]


<r><QUOTE author="Mosilein"><s>

</s><POST content="351119"><s></s>351119<e></e></POST> 1. What is your nickname in PRO? Mosilein<br/>

2. Which one is your favorite Pokemon and why? Gliscor, it looks so cool idk xd<br/>

3. What is your final objective in PRO? I want to reach a high elo in PvP<br/>

4. How many hours did you play on Red? <br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/JOFfZLz.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

5. Age: 15<br/>

6. PVP Team (its ok if you don't have one):) <br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/dd5ZVzd.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

It isn't finished yet, I currently wan't a Blissey in my team<e>


Thanks for applying , sent you invitation to discord bia pms. <E>:Grin:</E></r>



Bag_Macho_Brace_Sprite.png[glow=red]EV Training Hot Spots[/glow]

244.png[glow=red]How to get Legendary Dogs[/glow]

Shiny collector and Proud Member of BlaZe~


Re: ▲BLAZE▲⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO⎪[On Going Guild PvP Tournament]


<r><QUOTE author="Frytunio"><s>

</s><POST content="351128"><s></s>351128<e></e></POST> Hey, somes you're online atm? I do not received my guild invitation yet ;)<e>

Fill up the form first, and we do not take in players directly. After you fill up the form and post here you will be given invitation to discord chat, then if you will stay active at discord you'll be taken into guild.</r>



Bag_Macho_Brace_Sprite.png[glow=red]EV Training Hot Spots[/glow]

244.png[glow=red]How to get Legendary Dogs[/glow]

Shiny collector and Proud Member of BlaZe~


Re: ▲BLAZE▲⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO⎪[On Going Guild PvP Tournament]


<r><QUOTE author="Frytunio"><s>

</s><POST content="351439"><s></s>351439<e></e></POST> I did applied and you said invited. My discord id is: Frytunio#5809<e>

sent you friend req, lets talk on discord.</r>



Bag_Macho_Brace_Sprite.png[glow=red]EV Training Hot Spots[/glow]

244.png[glow=red]How to get Legendary Dogs[/glow]

Shiny collector and Proud Member of BlaZe~


Re: ▲BLAZE▲⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO⎪[On Going Guild PvP Tournament]


<r>Welcome to the new member. And keep it up on the tourney guys. Good going <E>:Cool:</E> <E>:y:</E></r>



Re: ▲BLAZE▲⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO⎪[On Going Guild PvP Tournament]


<r><QUOTE author="Fadoka"><s>

</s><POST content="352781"><s></s>352781<e></e></POST> Welcome to the new member. And keep it up on the tourney guys. Good going <E>:Cool:</E> <E>:y:</E><e>

Wct onewbs :)<br/>


And Fad gratz on PvP Victory <3</r>



Bag_Macho_Brace_Sprite.png[glow=red]EV Training Hot Spots[/glow]

244.png[glow=red]How to get Legendary Dogs[/glow]

Shiny collector and Proud Member of BlaZe~


Re: ▲BLAZE▲⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO⎪[On Going Guild PvP Tournament]


<r>1. What is your nickname in PRO? Humberto<br/>

2. Which one is your favorite Pokemon and why? Mewtwo, I always liked the psychics<br/>

3. What is your final objective in PRO? I want to be the best in pvp<br/>

4. How many hours did you play on Red?<br/>

<URL url="https://imgur.com/a/pL9Fc">https://imgur.com/a/pL9Fc</URL><br/>

5. Age:17<br/>

6. PVP Team (its ok if you don't have one):)</r>

Re: ▲BLAZE▲⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO⎪[On Going Guild PvP Tournament]


<r><QUOTE author="Humberto"><s>

</s><POST content="353057"><s></s>353057<e></e></POST> 1. What is your nickname in PRO? Humberto<br/>

2. Which one is your favorite Pokemon and why? Mewtwo, I always liked the psychics<br/>

3. What is your final objective in PRO? I want to be the best in pvp<br/>

4. How many hours did you play on Red?<br/>

<URL url="https://imgur.com/a/pL9Fc">https://imgur.com/a/pL9Fc</URL><br/>

5. Age:17<br/>

6. PVP Team (its ok if you don't have one):)<e>


Welcome to Blaze bruh, c u at discord :)</r>



Bag_Macho_Brace_Sprite.png[glow=red]EV Training Hot Spots[/glow]

244.png[glow=red]How to get Legendary Dogs[/glow]

Shiny collector and Proud Member of BlaZe~


Re: ▲BLAZE▲⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO⎪[On Going Guild PvP Tournament]


<t>1. What is your nickname in PRO? Markey<br/>

2. Which one is your favorite Pokemon and why? Cloyster is my favorite pokemon just because it's so awesome :D<br/>

3. What is your final objective in PRO?Get high ranked in PVP<br/>

4. How many hours did you play on Red?180<br/>

5. Age:19<br/>

6. PVP Team (its ok if you don't have one):)Not completed yet</t>

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