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Spawn Rates


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I started playing on march 14th 2016. I have 1660 hours played or so. I love this game and have made many friends, players and pokemon alike.


But one thing has been pushing me further and further away, and it's only affecting me more, now that I have a job, and my free time is more limited.


Extremely Rare Pokemon are just a little bit too rare. Even after Red made a change to extremely rares after hoenn released, it wasn't enough and most players probably didn't notice it.


I log in excited to hunt something, then log out after 3 hours of not finding it, Feeling I've wasted my time. It Reduces enthusiasm, motivation, and desire to play.


Black Medalion is nice, but I'd rather have Extremely Rare pokemon made slightly easier to find, than make h.a. easier to find.


I"m tired of this scenario: "Yay i get home from work in an hour and i can play pro for 2 hours before i have to clean and make dinner" *hunts extremely rare pokemon in pro for 2 hours and doesn't find any, logs out* "Dang, maybe I won't play pro when I get home from work tomorrow." :( :Cry:

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I want to agree but on the other hand i don't.

Listen, I can understand that the spawn rates of extremely rare Pokemon can be frustrating because of spending some time and not finding them. It's happened to me as well and iv'e gotten super pissed.


They're called extremely rare for a reason. If it only took 2 hours to find an extremely rare Pokemon the market would have crashed by now. People spend 4-6 hours looking for extremely rare Pokemon and never get it sometimes, but some people get lucky and find them in 2 minutes. The point is just be patient. The extremely rare Pokemon you're looking for will come eventually.

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I have around 3.4k hours and I can partly relate to this; it doesn't feel like a rewarding game but on the other hand you don't want to break the economy and it's still a mmo. x.x

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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I agree with OP. After putting 600hrs in the two months I have played (yes i know not nearly as much as others overtime, but still a ton in 2 months none the less) I find myself bored and annoyed with hunting. The vast majority of that 600hrs is farming pokemon and 2hrs without nothing is....nothing. 600hrs and I have common shinies and literally only 1 pokemon to be proud of. I got said pokemon from a boss reward and not even from hunting. Three purchased 24hr safari passes where I spent 16hrs each day farming an h.a. fletch and not a single one.


Between not being able to find a guild because I don't pvp much and rewardless 16hr hunting days, I just feel extremely discouraged and don't even have the will to login as of recently.

My Life is a Video Game.



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You guys have to remember that this Pokemon game that was created wasn't meant for it to be easy. It was meant for a challenge. If you want to keep complaining about the spawn rates just leave already. They aren't ever going to change and complaining isn't going to help.

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You guys have to remember that this Pokemon game that was created wasn't meant for it to be easy. It was meant for a challenge. If you want to keep complaining about the spawn rates just leave already. They aren't ever going to change and complaining isn't going to help.

Yes, the goal to this game is not to be easy. But i have 1700 hours of game, most of it to farm, i become tired too. I don't want to chase tiers 9 H.A. anymore, even with Black MS. Spend 3 hours to chase a PKM and you don't find any become annoying :/

Make spawn easier is not good to the game too, this spawn percentage make the end game of PRO :/

Server : Gold - Name : Kaminokage - Guild : FrenchConnexion



Ex-member of the Chaos on Silver


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