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I understand that a bug is known to happen with choice scarf occasionally when you engage in PVP after first relogging, but this has been happening more frequently in the past week. I know that the other individuals do not have a choice scarf as well; I see them use multiple moves and/or impacted by a life orb/leftovers. I've tried removing my pokemon with the scarf from the start of a battle, but it still happens halfway through it.


I seldom experienced this issue before, but it has recently increased significantly and has cost me rank.

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[mention]ICatchFeralCats[/mention], well you didn't read my bug report then or just assumed things that aren't true.


The Choice Scarf bug happens at a 100% rate after every login.

The Choice Scarf bug happens at a 100% rate at the FIRST attack of every pokemon after equipping it.


How to avoid it/what triggers it

  • equip Choice Scarf for Jirachi
  • defeat a wild pokemon
  • Choice Scarf will work at the first move
  • relog
  • defeat a wild pokemon with Jirachi
  • Choice Scarf will work at the first move
  • equip Choice Scarf to another pokemon*
  • defeat a wild pokemon with that pokemon
  • Choice Scarf will work at the first move
  • relog
  • equip Choice Scarf
  • DO NOT battle a wild pokemon
  • Bug appears

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

Sorry for missing that part about it being 100% of the time, I had never noticed this initially when battling. Like I said, it just became a significant problem although I've been using a Pokemon with choice scarf before.


Thanks for your help and for the clarification.

[mention]ICatchFeralCats[/mention], well my post sounded rude lul, wasn't meant that way; anyway the bug appears not random or anything; it's kinda predictable :p

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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