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Explanation "Repel Trick"


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Hello everyone,


given the recent updates and the controversy around the so called Repel Trick I decided to give further information on the Repel Trick and what it actually does and what it doesn't.

First of all "What is the Repel Trick"?

It's a method that allows you to hunt higher level pokemon in an area, which are mainly rare pokemon in PRO.

The trick


The so called "Repel Trick" works with any synchronize ability pokemon and with any type of repel. It's about how repels work; with an active repel the game avoids every lower level pokemon than the party leading one; meaning that with a level 25 abra you will avoid everything lower than level 25.

Prevents Wild Pokémon of a level lower to the first Pokémon in your party from challenging you for x steps.



  • Duskull Night Ter8, 12-[glow=red]16[/glow]
  • Gastly All Day Tier4 , 12-[glow=red]16[/glow]
  • Litwick All Day Tier9 [glow=green]17[/glow]-21
  • Misdreavus All Day Tier5, 12-[glow=red]16[/glow]
  • Rattata All Day Tier1, 12-[glow=red]16[/glow]
  • Shuppet All Day Tier 6, 12-[glow=red]16[/glow]
  • Spiritomb All Day Tier 9, 12-[glow=red]16[/glow]
  • Zubat All Day Tier 2, 12-[glow=red]16[/glow]


I marked the needed level for the Repel Trick green as it's the "highest level" in that area; meaning if you use a the Repel Trick; you will only encounter Litwicks.

Does this make the spawns easier?


The rates do NOT change with the Repel Trick, the rates remain the same.

The idea of the RT is to save time with a small cost (Repel costs), this means you still have to be lucky to encounter the pokemon but you can do it in less time duo to the fact that you don't have to run away from all those low level/low tier pokemon.


PreHax - 04/25/2017

"Did you tried to surf on Love Island at night? The spawnrate of Dratini there isn't that bad as in Dragons Den" so this statement is incorrect?


Naero - 04/25/2017

In a vacuum, it would be incorrect; the spawn rate is the same. The only variables may be the ambient spawns; the more common spawns surrounding it in one area, for example, may make it harder to encounter because of how many other Pokemon would be interveningly encountered before it. In a holistic way, the ambient spawn encounters can impede the encounter rate. Otherwise, its individual encounter rate is still the same.

He may be onto a point, but it sounds misworded in that case.

Dratini's rarity tier is invariably 9, meaning that its individual probability is just the same everywhere.

He can argue that there are more "concentrated" areas to hunt it at (areas where it has less ambient common Pokemon to impede it), but he can't say that the spawn rate varies.

It's analogous to trying to order food on a first-come, first-serve basis in different restaurants; you may order it fast in one restaurant depending on whether or not there are less people in the other restaurant jostling to order food first, but the same price needs to be paid for that food.

(Half-baked analogy, but it's the best one I could think of off-hand. >.<)



Why are there even complaints about it?

I am not entirely sure why but surely this change has nothing to do with the Repel Trick rather with the fact that the rates were changed as well; it's easier to blame something like the Repel Trick. We had 31 Repel Trick spawns before the change (I actually searched for those) and Red added another 31; the fact that the game was already supporting the Repel Trick makes those claims just look incredible stupid.

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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Regarding spawn/encounter rates which remains a source of confusion for me:


Essentially, does the game perform an encounter check (beginning a certain number of steps after a previous encounter/encounter cooldown) with every step, where each spawn in the area has its own spawn rate and therefore a certain encounter check might involve several simultaneous encounters?


By my understanding, this would obstruct higher-tier spawns directly since they might be replaced by several lower-tier spawns on the same step instead, unless higher-tier spawns are always prioritized.


The reason why it seems like this system is being used is because according to Naero's message, the encounter rate (as a function of steps and not percentage of total encounters) doesn't seem like it changes under the repel trick despite the lack of an 'encounter cooldown'. Tier 9 spawns would take priority over tier 1 spawns whenever they would've appeared on the same step.


tldr; I'm differentiating between rare encounters per step and rare encounters per total encounters. They can both designate the term 'encounter rate', although the latter is more accurately described as 'spawn rate' which is why I believed that encounters/step is higher under the repel trick despite that the spawn rate remains the same.

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