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Hi, since Sinnoh is available, some players have probably already finished the storyline. From what I know at the moment there is no single boss in this region. That's why I have suggestions for 3 bosses.


1. Classically professors from the region


[glow=blue]Torterra, Infernape, Empoleon, Garchomp, Staraptor, Mega Lucario[/glow] (Random order)

Awards: [glow=green]Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup, Riolu, Starly, Gible[/glow]


2.[glow=red]Jasmine (leader of Johto)[/glow]

Location: [glow=grey]Iron Island[/glow]

[glow=blue]Bastiodon, Mega Steelix, Magnezone, Mega Aggron, Metagross and Dialga[/glow] (Random Order)

Awards: [glow=green]Armor Fossil or revived fossil (Shieldon), Onix, Magnemite, Beldum, Aron


3.[glow=red]Cynthia (Like every champion boss region)[/glow]

Location: [glow=yellow]Celestic Town[/glow]

[glow=blue]Mega Garchomp, Meloetta, Giratina, Spiritomb, Kyurem and Rampardos[/glow] (Random Order)

Awards: [glow=green]Skull Fossil or revived fossil (Cranidos), Spiritomb, Gible


Of course, if Thor has his own vision then please, this is just my boss view, but I think it would be cool to see these bosses. Awards are a bit weak but I did not think too much about them, I was more interested in getting fossils Sinnoh, so I arranged the bosses. So, please express your opinion :)


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I like the ideas :P

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