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Harder? No, just a lot more frustrating!


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I'm playing this game from about 8 months, and there aren't some object extremely needed!!!


1) Share exp: fast exp pokemon, but more than that, fast ivs training for all tank/wall pokemon (like chansey)


2) EGG: guys seriusly, breeding pokemon is 1/2 of pokemon's games, search some pokemon for pvp is an absurde spend of time.


3) FLYING: seriulsy why the hell we have to pay for travel?


Those 3 point don't make game more hard, they just make it more boring and frustrating!!!

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[mention]JadeCocoon[/mention], smh you raise up points you could easily find in the sticky or with one minute of google resarch..



Exp Share

(Including Amulet Coin/Lucky Egg/Pay day bonus money)

These things won't happen as it make game become more easy, and get rid of the part of MMO. Additionally, Membership also reason why it not added.

New updated EV Safari Zone

for more information --> Safari EV training update august 2017

Experience System


  • a = 1.15 if deployed by an NPC trainer; 1 for wild Pokémon.
  • b = opponent's base-experience value.
  • lvl = opponent's level.
  • pkm = total amount of Pokémon participants that have not fainted.
  • wlvl = level of the victorious Pokémon.
  • ms = 1.5 if membership is active; 1, otherwise.
  • xb = 1.25 if an Experience Boost (Coin Shop purchasable) is active; 1, otherwise.
  • xs = 1.05 if an experience-bonus season is ongoing (it will be emblematized on the screen if so); 1, otherwise.
  • gx = the amount of experience points that are attained—the thresholds whereof mostly depend on the member count of one's guild.
    • 1 if the player is guildless or if their guild has less than 25 members.
      1.025 if the player's guild has 25-plus members.
      1.05 if the player's guild has 50-plus members.
      1.075 if the player's guild has 75 members.
      1.25 if the guild is top-ranked in the Guild Ladder at the end of the PvP season.



The breeding has been removed as a way of converting a predominantly single player game into an MMO.

Pokemon is a game based on effort, the handhelds had many ways of removing effort that when put into an MMO removes part of the experience, having to use time, effort and knowledge to catch and start training a pokemon with the stats and nature you desire is part of the effort so when you achieve your goal, the time and effort pays off, in the handhelds this is easier since it has to be easy and fast enough appeal to a larger and often younger market to achieve as much profit as possible.

Removing effort cheapens any PVP win or rank too when compared to someone spending their time and effort to achieve their goals, not just based on their move-sets, showing their ability as a trainer overall instead of just a battler, the difference in pokemon is even shown in the anime, compare Ash's krabby to Gary's for example, Gary's was the better catch, naturally stronger, there was no sign of him farming for it, purely luck, yet if both were lvl 100 and Ash had trained his and Gary didn't, Ash would still win, so the effort to find the right one is worthwhile and form more of an attachment to you're favorite pokemon when you finally get the one you wanted.


Your opinions are valid, but unfortunately they don't go in line with what PRO is accomplishing. PRO has chosen to go for a more social, unperfect pokemon approach. Breeding unfortunately would make everyone self-sufficient, walking around with eggs and have no need to rely on other people. The current hunting system prioritizes hunting and selling. This has created a healthy economy that is very evident on the red server where a lot of money is out and about with the veteran players. You hunt an epic rare/epic sought after poke, you could make yourself rich and so the cycle goes. Breeding just does not fit into this equation. Breeding would also ruin the rarity system and economy since, dratini for example, extremely rare, they're valuable, yet if every breeds and sells 10 each, they would be worth less than 10k within days and no one would be farming, so other pokemon wouldn't be caught, or items added to the players bag.


Although some pokemon are only in MS areas, the MS medallion is available to buy from other players, with the 1 mill you can afford to purchase at least 1 medallionship medallion and be able to use the perks of membership, farming for the pokemon you want, whilst collecting other pokemon you yourself could sell to people who don't want to put in the effort, which essentially you could use the money from that for more MS medallions, constant MS without you paying.

All the money from the donations for coins goes into maintaining and running the servers which the game is running on, it's non-profit, and the fact that all items bought with coins are trade able in game would also demonstrate that the idea is NOT to get as much money from players as possible but just incentives to donate towards the running of the game so that it can continue without the incentives giving too much of an advantage.


As to your opinions towards the game, it has to be understood that not all games will be right for everyone, PRO has been adapted as much as possible to keep the idea of pokemon and the game basis whilst making it suitable to be an MMO, PRO is under constant development and so is always being improved and added to, by a staff full of pokemon fans using their own time to work on it, the reward they receive is the game itself and people enjoying playing it.


  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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I'm playing this game from about 8 months, and there aren't some object extremely needed!!!


1) Share exp: fast exp pokemon, but more than that, fast ivs training for all tank/wall pokemon (like chansey)


2) EGG: guys seriusly, breeding pokemon is 1/2 of pokemon's games, search some pokemon for pvp is an absurde spend of time.


3) FLYING: seriulsy why the hell we have to pay for travel?


Those 3 point don't make game more hard, they just make it more boring and frustrating!!!


As you might know, PRO is an mmo which means that we don't follow the same mecanics as original game. Adding what you asked would only make the game too easy and so people would stop playing it after 2-3 monthes as they'd have nothing more to do. We already improved EV training by making safari effort wald more rewarding (it takes me like 30 minutes max per pokemon for a full 510 ev train which is nothing at all).

On the breeding part, like i said this is an mmo. Try to imagine if in Diablo or WoW you could duplicate items as much as you want till you get the perfect one, where would be the competition. This is the same here, this would only make hunting useless and less rewarding. Breeding won't be a thing in PRO and pretty much all the community agrees that it'd only kill the game.

Finally, teleporting and train systems are used asm oney sink, otherwise money currency will go crazy and Poke$ would lose their value since everyone would stock it. Also, try to imagine a server of 1000 person teleporting around freely whenever they want, we don't have strong servers they wouldn't be able to handle this.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum.

Unsolicited messages will be garbodored. Thanks. I still love you if you pm me


PS: all staff that copied my signature are all fanboys



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good!!! Pokemon chinese farm only... really sad and bad btw i go back to official one, this is a game for bot not for people, and there isn't interact with player, there is just for trade and help chat.

p.s. evs train is fast, ivs + nature is just for sick people who spend 3000 h on this useless mmo.


pokemon isn't w.o.w. (where a lot of player left for too farming) so get a fuking life seriusly!!!

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good!!! Pokemon chinese farm only... really sad and bad btw i go back to official one, this is a game for bot not for people, and there isn't interact with player, there is just for trade and help chat.

p.s. evs train is fast, ivs + nature is just for sick people who spend 3000 h on this useless mmo.


pokemon isn't w.o.w. (where a lot of player left for too farming) so get a [Censored] life seriusly!!!


feel free to leave, you are writing down nonsense stuff just to achieve what ever you wanna achieve or you are just a bad troll either way; try to reason first

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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