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Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo!


<t>1. IGN:MrOsi<br/>

2. Game Time/Hours Played : 1/2H<br/>

3. Have you ever been banned on previous accounts?: :xbanned: Never <br/>

4. List the previous Guilds that you have joined in PRO: None this is my first and last <br/>

5. Have you ever had any problems with a current R3vo guild member? No<br/>

6. Are you friends with anyone in R3vo? Can the vouche for you? I think no :( for now <br/>

7. Why do you want to join us? Is simple , i want to be part of the best guild pro :) , but also because I think a good project and I want to be part of it , grow and evolve along this great guild.<br/>

8. If you could be any pokemon what would it be and why? Idk maybe Charizardis one of my favorite pokes :P<br/>

9. Do you promise to abide by R3vo's Guild Oath? Yes</t>


Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo!


<r><QUOTE author="MrOsi"><s>

</s>1. IGN:MrOsi<br/>

2. Game Time/Hours Played : 1/2H<br/>

3. Have you ever been banned on previous accounts?: :xbanned: Never <br/>

4. List the previous Guilds that you have joined in PRO: None this is my first and last <br/>

5. Have you ever had any problems with a current R3vo guild member? No<br/>

6. Are you friends with anyone in R3vo? Can the vouche for you? I think no :( for now <br/>

7. Why do you want to join us? Is simple , i want to be part of the best guild pro :) , but also because I think a good project and I want to be part of it , grow and evolve along this great guild.<br/>

8. If you could be any pokemon what would it be and why? Idk maybe Charizardis one of my favorite pokes :P<br/>

9. Do you promise to abide by R3vo's Guild Oath? Yes<e>



<B><s></s>Welcome to R3vo<e></e></B></r>


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