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Make ranked battles anonymous


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Current top players uses huge teams data bases based on opponents IGN, what makes fancy team unbelivable hard to use.

This suggestion can help make a battles bit less staller as it works now.


Easiest solution is to hide nickname of opponent. That should not be hard to implement. We could start doing the best thing in pokemon battles - thinking how to suprise the opponent with pokes he could not expect! That is, IMHO, the most fun part of the game, if u could sweep somebody with eg special sweeper snorlax :Cool: . But making it well-known on the society makes it completly usles, and that's why most of us uses stall team... Even if u know them, it's hard to beat them.


Everybody cries how a lot stall team is here now, so make some steps to change it.


Other, much better, but slighty harder to implement option (still possible, but we know how hard is to add anything new to the PRO code):

Anonymous ranked battles with team preview!


That could make the battles both fun with using unknow and fancy bulids of pokemons, and let u think at the begining what tactic should I go, which pokes has to be safe, etc, etc.


Think about it, that could make a PvP much more fun for the both sites, where we could show how smart sets can work.



/edit, as my friend suggest, anonymous battles could make reports impossible to do. That would require an unique ID number for each battle, wich could be checked by GM. Screenshots/video evidence ll have this number at the current IGN vs IGN bar, so GM would be able to check who u battles with.


/also, to contact opponent we could use eitehr battle tab or new anonymous pm button, which wont show ur IGN. The button could be used either on battle window, or implemented as a command like: /pm <battle123456>

discord: luohan#1745

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This is an interesting suggestion and I fully support the idea of limiting Stallers. However, there really isn't much of a point of this. In showdown, you see your enemy's entire team already which is similar to your idea. It will also take a lot of work for the scripters and many bugs will definitely be reported.





Kibitz the Whale




My Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/c/Kibitz

My Twitch Channel : Twitch.tv/xkibitz



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm.. hidden ign isa kinda neat also lessens more humiliating loses.. well im not against this, but its a sure thing not to get intimidated or intimidating to any of the ranked pvp battlers, also, this will make either of the players get caught off guard or anything else

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