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|| Striders || Silver server guild || Recruiting ||

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Re: || Striders || Blue server guild || International||


<r>1. What is your name in PRO? ==> gass69<br/>

2. who is your favorite Pokemon? ==> don't hav favorite pokemon xq but i like steel type <br/>

3. What is your Goal in PRO? ==> noth just play for fun catching and lvling pokemon hate pvp<br/>

4. How many hours did you play on Blue server? +200h<br/>

5. Age: 19<br/>

6. Do you have a PVP Team? (its ok if you don't have ) nope :')<br/>

7. Show trainer card as well.<br/>

<E>:Grin:</E> <E>:Grin:</E> <br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/VIQxGy1.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>


another thing can't be connected on dicord all the time cause my connection is limited if there is chat in game i'm in<br/>



Re: || Striders || Blue server guild || International||


<r>1. IGN: Nobravado<br/>

2. Darkrai/Lickitung<br/>

3. Contributor to Pro team, as an illustrator or a map editor/sprite creator :3 And eventually, pvp.<br/>

4. Over 120+ hours on yellow which is where i started, made new account on blue because of it's better population. As you can see on my current card, i have no intentions of leaving the game anytime soon.<br/>

5. Age: 21<br/>

6. WIP, lookin' for godlike IV pokemon.<br/>

7. <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/IDIUfiO.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/>


Currently: Waiting for inv. <E>:etc:</E></r>


Re: || Striders || Blue server guild || International||


<r><QUOTE author="Zamrayz" post_id="477461" time="1512778101" user_id="901426"><s>


1. IGN: Nobravado<br/>

2. Darkrai/Lickitung<br/>

3. Contributor to Pro team, as an illustrator or a map editor/sprite creator :3 And eventually, pvp.<br/>

4. Over 120+ hours on yellow which is where i started, made new account on blue because of it's better population. As you can see on my current card, i have no intentions of leaving the game anytime soon.<br/>

5. Age: 21<br/>

6. WIP, lookin' for godlike IV pokemon.<br/>

7. <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/IDIUfiO.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/>


Currently: Waiting for inv. <E>:etc:</E>




Check pm</r>

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