Archimidis Posted July 1, 2015 Share Posted July 1, 2015 Hello everyone, This is my 2nd day of playing this game and i learned that Breeding is not going to be a thing and i really like this idea of having to search for your good pokemon and stuff. But i would like to point out that some rare pokemon like pikachu or onix for example that i saw seem to be extremely low chance to appear (pikachu was 5% in other games if i am correct yet it seems like its 1% in PRO) making it almost impossible to farm a good nature and iv's with it.(not that im a pro or competitive player but i would like having good pokemon without having to farm 1hour for 1encounter more or less). I am not here to critisize anything, just to suggest making these rare pokemon i found out about being really rare easier to find so that its doable to farm them for good nature and iv's. thanks for your time reading this post and would be great to have some constructive comments in this. (i might be wrong, who knows? ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Merse Posted July 1, 2015 Share Posted July 1, 2015 It was discussed many times, but PROs point is that in an MMO you should work very hard for high-end stuff, so if you want to get an epic horribly rare Pokemon you should hunt hundreds (literally!) of hours for it. Or get very lucky like I was with my Bagon in another MMO. Or catch more common Pokes and sell them and collect the money for that very rare Poke. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sebowar Posted July 1, 2015 Share Posted July 1, 2015 On handheld games farming rare & good IVs/Nature pokemons was also difficult. PRO is MMO and MMO needs to be "harder" than single player games. If every one could catch a decent Dratini in a hour or two the battling system would be, well... boring. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hexy Posted July 2, 2015 Share Posted July 2, 2015 It is easier for you to face a Pikachu than a Butterfree or a Beedrill. :grin: Rules - Terms and Conditions - Privacy Policy - Account Management - Downloads Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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