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Hello everyone!

First off, we'd like to give thanks to everyone who participated in this season, as short as it was.

On behalf of the PRO Staff team, I would like to congratulate each player and guild that that reached the Top Ladders! We wish you all the best of luck next season! :)



  • 1st place from each will receive 500 PvP coins, 2nd place 495 PvP coins, 3rd place 490 PvP coins, etc!
  • Guilds receive a 25% Bonus EXP Boost for being in the top ladder!


Ranked Ladder Results

  • Top RED 25 Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder)
[pre]Rank Username Rating Wins Losses Win%
1. sabrilemarocain 657 200 40 83
2. zarate619 528 610 151 80
3. Y0Da 498 64 13 83
4. Gunners 492 70 19 78
5. Samu94 481 271 86 75
6. SuHu 478 154 45 77
7. Quang821 465 111 50 68
8. TR3Y 462 71 23 75
9. Destro16 458 41 8 83
10. buyshinynair 458 78 37 67
11. editigre 455 70 20 77
12. irafayel 453 67 22 75
13. xApoman 451 181 68 72
14. x1tus 450 118 45 72
15. Buzzn 450 59 15 79
16. Enforcer 450 45 3 93
17. kjwu 449 58 17 77
18. Mamathieu 448 81 20 80
19. Crokstar 447 175 75 70
20. Michaelx 446 113 38 74
21. jesusrmoncivais 445 136 63 68
22. fantazi0 443 310 170 64
23. alexg6 441 62 21 74
24. flipmuth 424 58 15 79
25. mjames 422 135 57 70


Top BLUE 25 Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder)

[pre]Rank Username Rating Wins Losses Win%
1. snowbull 572 292 73 80
2. SufferInSilence 561 88 8 91
3. MacAttack426 552 96 19 83
4. Mahmood2223 541 201 71 73
5. Mirage0911 540 115 37 75
6. ikonos123 532 80 13 86
7. ThePokeMaestro 529 254 90 73
8. Seungha 528 138 80 63
9. HeroOfTheStreet 528 58 5 92
10. Jorogumo 526 87 29 75
11. DrIgor 525 97 26 78
12. Petlancer 525 89 24 78
13. ngoductri 525 125 50 71
14. Belzebel 519 206 107 65
15. sgtbianco 517 50 7 87
16. marsomega 516 175 75 70
17. OKillua 515 99 43 69
18. Raffy1995 514 198 86 69
19. mastapasta 513 95 29 76
20. Fabion97 513 144 63 69
21. njnp 513 176 56 76
22. coup0d0boule 513 67 17 79
23. caotayngaothe 512 135 64 67
24. Dakivid 511 132 54 71
25. Otherrr 511 192 66 74


Top YELLOW 25 Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder)

[pre]Rank Username Rating Wins Losses Win%
1. Deidaraa 618 385 73 84
2. lyasviel 559 606 256 70
3. Mikami 521 217 62 77
4. dicsonwong 519 179 56 76
5. burnbabyburn 507 95 36 72
6. Guz93 487 269 148 64
7. rik666 481 133 19 87
8. duynghia101 481 119 41 74
9. jomhar17 479 347 158 68
10. wAkKo16 478 121 53 69
11. beerussama 477 82 22 78
12. TuzkiZ 472 158 68 69
13. Chaffee 471 148 99 59
14. LemonLarry 469 77 30 71
15. Cnnblt 467 101 55 64
16. UjangKece18 467 252 126 66
17. spyrosvl 467 90 31 74
18. Dradon89 466 126 61 67
19. J0elR0saleS 465 222 149 59
20. nischupbalok 464 82 30 73
21. Juking 462 192 104 64
22. Gapart 461 74 13 85
23. SentryPErcy 461 136 57 70
24. ChrisKats 459 111 44 71
25. INmyWAY 458 58 19 75


Ranked Guild Ladder Results

  • RED Guild Rankings
[pre]Rank Guild Name Guild Leader PVP Season Rating
1. CocktailBar Fantazi0 9002
2. Chronos Buyshinynair 8916
3. Reborn Walrosskastanie 6947
4. Blaze Fredoka 5870
5. TheNabs Jaccard1 5290
6. shadowmasters Editigre 4958
7. ChronosII Imhanjoo 2665
8. PandaS Aymanex15 2661
9. DemonKnights Ultron 2093
10. DarkFlame Drakun399 1790


BLUE Guild Rankings

[pre]Rank Guild Name Guild Leader PVP Season Rating
1. NoMercy Teerav 13239
2. Illusion Bo180203 13152
3. Origin Lasthope4 7335
4. Toxicity Wannes 5785
5. Gastbusters Lassij26 3824
6. pancasila Guardnine 3680
7. Striders Axel02 3357
8. Spyduck Petlancer 2913
9. MeteorMash Tranhxapettara 2078
10. Pichu Mrgreen1091 2024


YELLOW Guild Rankings

[pre]Rank Guild Name Guild Leader PVP Season Rating
1. Tranquility Pokechamp007 10194
2. VietNamGaming Guz93 4898
3. Limbo Justlegend 4253
4. BrazilArmy Deidaraa 3721
5. legends Elyaskhan 3575
6. RUKittenMe Xrevolutionx94 3532
7. Legacy Georgepaul7 3503
8. Hasagi Naoizdabest 2850
9. FrenchConnexion Smokincatcher 2744
10. TeamMagma Mebzerg 2646


  • Results may have a marginal difference to ones recorded by other players. The results taken were taken seconds before the ladder was reset via RebornBot, not manually how we have done it previously. If you are or aren't on the ladder when you think you should/n't be, please contact me via PMs.
  • If the results are slightly incorrect, the correct users would have still been rewarded. This is due to the server automatically rewarding the top 25.


Special thanks again to everyone that participated this season and those who bring a healthy competitive environment! :thanks:

...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums as they could be useful to others.

Remember to use the correct forum when posting. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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Yeaaaaa lets go Origin!

[center][url=https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=71546#at_1][img]https://image.ibb.co/eFufwR/bannercloak4.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][b]Origin guild discord[/b][/center] [center]https://discord.gg/F6Afaez[/center] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/hOAP5m/userbar_ORIGIN5.png[/img][/center] [center]---------------------------------------------------------[/center] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/gbzRp6/download.jpg[/img][/center] [center]---------------------------------------------------------[/center]
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