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An extra friend to help u out


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Come... sit with me... and lets have a cold one... lets have a talk...




My name is Carlos, nice to meet you, i seek to be friends with you and help you out at when ever possible, I dont seek anything in return, Im willing to help you out when is possible for me, and i just seek to have a little talk, for Red and Yellow server players, with a dedication to new players




My Discord is




(Yes, all caps)





Trade chat


So Yellow and Red servers are merging ... thats such and amazing benefit for all, Im so glad it finally came to be! I cant wait to see how everything will change, the economy will get better! It would be so amazing! More People = More Needs = More Demands = Better/ Easier to sell! And buy!


But.... something that surely bothers me and many others, is when someone makes a mistake on the trade chat, or tries to sell something that seems expensive/over priced etc... some people laughs, makes fun of, or even Private Messages them... this conduct is surely not acceptable... you dont only may hurt the feelings of such person, but you also make your self look as an Inmature person, There is no need for such person to recive that treatment from you...


Is always best to simply keep all comments for yourself, and everything will be fine, it will make the trade chat a better friendlier environment for all!


Plus... TRUST ME, that person who made the mistake will surely make sure not to do it again


That person that is selling something for a higher price will surely understand that is selling too high and that it should sell for a lower price...


Or simply... he/she does not want to lower prices, and thats THERE choice, you cant do anything about it...

Is simply best to respect them, And remember to treat others the way they want you to be treated


And they can also just be new players getting used to the game and the prices... being a a jerk and laughing at them or PM hurtful/hateful/troll messages just makes you a complete inmature person


Red and Yellow are being in process to get merged... please lets us all do our part & have a great sportsmanship

That will make a better

Gaming experience for everyone especially the new players







Do you have problems or can use some tips on trying to sell your pokemons or items?


Well... Im more than willing to help you out one on one and provide you with tips and ideas for you to help you sell better


I been playing here for a while, but I was playing on Pokemon Planet Online and the economies are some what similar there... i managed to be one of the top 10 most richest player in the whole game






so is safe for me to tell you that i have experience in this subject and i can help you out effectively with some tips..

I can only help out on Red Server players when possible as i dont know a thing on how things work on Yellow and Blue







Need some help with Price checks?



Hit me up mate, i would be more than willing to help you out with some price checks, as no one is perfect and no one can give you a 100% accurate price check, therefor i will try my best to help you out on giving you an accurate price check, feel free to PM me on game but i rather for you to PM me in discord as i can focus better, so please pm me there and send me pics of the pokes/items






Investment aid?


are planning to do an investment on a Pokemon(s) or item(s) and not sure if its worth it? Hit me up!

Man... i done 2 big investments in this game on a bulk buyings of pokemons that turned out to be VERY bad for me and i have lost many cash on it... i wish I would have had someone that could have help me out with some tips... and I wouldn't have done does "bulk sales"

So I can be of assistance to help you out with your big/small purchase





Need some advice/comments on your pvp team?


Im here to assist you on that too take that from someone who plays Pokemon Showdown, My especiality is All Stall pokemons with unique uncommon moves And tricks, so I too have experience in this subject and would be glad to evaluate your team....

I HATE when people take notes of other peoples teams, just a personal opinion of mine, so please have the confidence that i wont share your team with anyone or take notes on it, im just here to help you with some tips on it or maybe tell u what can u improve, add, remove, or use for your current team





Thinking about using or using bots, or any other Illegal Bannable acts?



Dear reader.... oh boy.... you're playing with fire.... and you will soon get burned...

As simple as that, please there is no need to cheat the system, is not honorable, is best for you to avoid it, you need money making tips? I can help you out, you need someone to train your pokes? Just hire ppl services, i know good ppl that charge cheap for Ev training and daycare services... you dont have the cash? Why rush it? Just play at your own phase... there is no need for you to get such illegal things to help you cheat the system... like i said, you are playing with Fire and you will get banned...


Im telling you this out of experience, i know friends that been banned for this very reason, and I myself been banned, not because of using bots or anything like that, but because I attempted to buy a player account with real cash when I was playing in Pokemon Planet Online...... I played that game for about 2 years... It was the best game I ever played... I lost it all... everything... all gone.. I spended months trying to appeal for a banned but i got rejected ... 2 years of work and $1085 donated to the game.. all to the trash... So i can tell you how it feels to get banned.. is something totally horrible experience.. and is NEVER worth the trouble even if there is the Slightest risk in getting cought.. please I highly recommend you to stop or never even think of doing anything illegal, and do read the game rules to make sure u doing everything ok, if you need any help with the rules or information im here to assistance, im here to help u out


You dont know what i feel every time i log on my Pokemon Planet Account and see this....




Trust me... take it from me, is not worth it





Troublesome players


there are people that PM you out of nowhere that can most likely try to give you free stuff if you click on a link they send you..... PLEASE... dont click on such links and report them asap


And report people that you see doing Illegal stuff, as the less of them we have the better it is for all, if you need help with it or wish me to report for you, please hit me up







Scamming is such a dirty act, that there is no need for them, and can get you into serious trouble...


scammings are fraudulent schemes some people use and/or false information giving to you which most possible occurs when on a trade, if you been scammed is best for you to report it





Real world money trading


 - You may not sell, trade, or buy Pokemon Revolution accounts. You may also not trade any virtual currency or items for anything outside of the game, as this is not your property and has no real world value


Is much better for us to support the game with cash donations , not only are you being benefited with Coin shop items you can buy but you also support the game in having improvements and with their cost of maintenance and other costs, is much better than to play with fire like I done and got myself burned





Summary, Here to help you out


• if you need some tips on anything, or just need a friend im here for you


•If i dont know the answer i will seek to find one, if you need some tips in other stuff not mention here please let me know mate, Please feel free to PM me in Discord to have a chat, and when ever possible I will get to u, although im usually bussy online in the game but feel free to pm me there too


•Almost everyone is on a Clan, so you already have much aid there, but if you are not on a clan or if you just need some extra help such as price checks etc or advice, im more than happy to help you out, You have a friend you can trust because friendship is the thing I love most


•I been to almost everything, I got banned, I Got scammed, i got insulted, blah blah blah, and I also suffer from many bad stuff in real life, and is always good to talk to someone about it, feel free to talk to me of anything you wish, you have a friend that is all ears and that beens to many stuff and there for got the experience to give you tips so you dont go trough what I experienced with in the games or In real life too


•If i could just get 1 person to stopped doing Illegal acts, then this effort will be would all have been worth the try Please see my past acts and the result I experienced... so that you can not make the same bad choices


•I can also be PM in any other social apps


•And once again, we will soon be united Yellow and Red servers Cant wait to see how everything will change and one thing for sure is...,






U have a friend here that will be more than happy to help u out on ur needs

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Good post, some good things pointed out. Hope this game will soon become your new home and you will be soon attached to it. Good luck for your next investments and your gaming experience!



Edit: A Mojito for me, thanks :y:


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