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Hey guys, this is a small guide which will teach you to create a server in discord. I hope this helps you ☺

1)First, you have to click on the circle which has a plus mark on the left side of the screen.



2) Then you have type the name of your server, then you have to upload a profile photo for your server and you have to choose the region. Singapore is the default region.



3) Yeah! You just created a server. Now let's move on to some basic things you have to do.


4) The only chat available in a new server will be general. So now I will teach you how to add more channels.


5)So, to create a new text channel you have to click on the plus which is on the right side of "TEXT Channels".



Then you will have to type the name of the channel and select whether it's text or voice. The default option will be text channel as you clicked on the plus near "TEXT CHANNEL". Now you have to choose whether the channel will be private or public. Private means that only selected roles will be able to use that channel. ( I will teach you how to create roles) For example in pro's discord server, only some people can type in the announcement and rules channel. So you have to decide whether to make the channel private or public. Then click on the 'Tick' mark to create a channel. So now you have learned how to create a channel. Using the same method you can create a voice channel.



6)So now, to change the settings of the channel, you have to click on the specific channel.Then,click on the three dots on the right side of the page and then, click on channel settings.



So here you can edit the channel name. You can also write a topic for it. You can also choose that which roles can get access to that channel, by clicking on permissions.





7) Now, to create a role you have to click on the the three vertically arranged dots on the right side of the name of your server. Then it will show some options. Click on server settings.


8) Then, click on roles.So here you have to type the name of the role, it's color and to what things it can have access to. Yeah! You have created a new role (@everyone is a default role. The others roles that you have created will appear on that list. )



9)Now, that you have create a role, I will show you how to assign it to the members. Again go to server settings. Click on members. Now click on the members and it will show you the roles. Click on the role that you want to assign them. You can also change their nicknames. NOTE:-Assign yourself a role first.Its better if you assign your self the most superior role as you can control everything if you give yourself the roles. Give roles carefully, to only trustworthy people.


10) So now, if you want to delete the server. Again go to server settings . Then click on the three dots on the top right corner of the page overview. Then click on delete server.



I hope this guide will help you.


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