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Christmas Event Part 2


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Re: Christmas Event Part 1


<r><QUOTE author="Red"><s>

</s>Happy holidays to everyone. We are happy to announce that there is an Event taking place. You can start the event on Route 1. Explore new maps, Pokemon and Character customizations. Later on we might extend the event content wise. Feel free to report any issues under Bug Resolution Center. Note that you will need at least 4 badges to enter.<br/>


To note:<br/>

- There are 10 Special Themed Pokemon you can catch. Pretty much same as shinies but with the chance of 1 in 1000. You will notice them when you enter in a battle. They will have a snow falling around them and their sprite is not same as standard counterpart. Those pokemon are;<br/>



  • </s><LI>Sentret<br/>



- You will see a free shop in the game and new costumes to buy. Coin shop now has 4 new mounts, 1 new hat and 2 new clothes. You can also get some by doing quests. Since this is a part 1 of the event that means that more should come. Enjoy<e>




sorry didnt understand what special.</r>

Big thanks to Auras for that sig!



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Re: Christmas Event Part 1


<r><IMG src="%3Ca%20href=%22http%3A//tinypic.com?ref=8ze16c%22%20target=%22_blank%22%3E%3Cimg%20src=%22https://i67.tinypic.com/8ze16c.png%22%20border=%220%22%20alt=%22Image%20and%20video%20hosting%20by%20TinyPic%22%3E%3C/a%3E"><s></e></IMG> why no grass in fleak forest? thanks :D</r>

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