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"Trading!" pop up sign


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For a suggestion to have merit, and to be considered being added, it needs to improve the quality of life of the players, or fix something. This suggestion - which could potentially be cool - doesn't really fall under either of those categories. I think staff time is better off being used elsewhere.


Also, regarding the Battle and ZZZZ tags, both of those tags can be over a player for multiple minutes. Trading takes what, 30 seconds at most? No need for a tag for a quick action.





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For a suggestion to have merit, and to be considered being added, it needs to improve the quality of life of the players, or fix something. This suggestion - which could potentially be cool - doesn't really fall under either of those categories. I think staff time is better off being used elsewhere.


Also, regarding the Battle and ZZZZ tags, both of those tags can be over a player for multiple minutes. Trading takes what, 30 seconds at most? No need for a tag for a quick action.




I totally agree :)


I go with the "Potentially be cool"



I Understand this is of a least priority Suggestion, and they are tons of other great ones that should rather be worked on


therefor, knowing how the Mods act to Suggestions of Low priority, I make this suggestion that like u said, is potentially cool, and could possibly added once Shane gets the time to deal with the other higher priority suggestions

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