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caught a shiny spinarak and won the bug catching contest, unfortunatly i didnt get a screenshot of the win but i did get one of the 100k exta https://puu.sh/z1L9R/1766009ed9.png



i was later told i had a shot at the wings and i should post it here with the Pokés ID No. 21534605


Thanks in advance - Fosse :3


If you should have gotten wings, you would have got them. Your spinarak would have needed to have over 400 points since it was shiny, and therefore required a different threshold on the scoring chart. Regular pokemon only require 290 points, but since Shiny Pokemon give you 1.5x the points, you need more points to get the wings.


I could bore you with the math, but since Spinarak is a Tier 1 rarity pokemon, it is mathematically impossible to get Volcarona wings with a shiny Spinarak.


(50+25+186) x 1.5 = 391.5, and that's assuming your Spinarak was 6x31, which it wasn't.


Best way to get Volcarona wings is to catch Tier 4 rarity pokemon (Heracross, Scyther, Pinsir, Mothim, Larvesta) and then hope it has over 135 IVs. Good luck in the future!





Nice that your question is answered! :Grin:

I will lock this topic now as the answer is given.


[glow=green]Locked as answered.[/glow] :y:

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