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Time to talk about Your own Real life Ghost Experiances or Semi-Ghost experiances that you personally had Experianced



Only Post real stuff that have happen to you, A family Member or close friend, No stuff u seen on T.V etc



What Happen?

How did it feel?

How scares where you?

How old where you?


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I was 14 years old when this happen,


On one Night, I sleep alone on my room, I had a Horrible nightmare... that nightmare felt so real... so very real, I was dreaming that I was alone on the woods




There was a black dark river, and i had to swim in it to get to the other side, while swimming, I felt a Hand... a hand that grabbed my leg and pulled me inside ... I was being pulled inside the rivier, I did not saw who pulled me, i just felt that human hand... it felt soo real.. i was being pulled inside and all I could see was me being sunk into the rivier as i was looking up



I woken up....when i woke up, I notice something odd, Every time i go to sleep, i always sleep in this position or the other side of it ⬇️




But.. i woke up EXACTLY like this ⬇️ with the hands like that too




it was very odd to me, as I never woke up in that position before... ... I remember it so well... it was night.... I still was very scared from the nightmare i just woken up to... but then about 10 seconds later... i Notice a Dark Shadow figure.... Looking at me....




Exactly as it shown in this picture ⬆️ It was looking down at me... I felt...ugh... i felt an Extreme Scareness ... l was in shock... i never been so scared in my life before... It looked at me... it did not moved... it just standed there looking at me... I could not move my body... i could not talked... My eyes was Wide open at that shadow figure.... and then.. It just turned around ... and i saw it walking into the window on my room... it walked towards it... and slowly disappeared... I... could not even cry.. i was in a very deep fear...


All i did was praying to God.. and keep praying for help... it lasted about 10 minutes in my room... where i was still very scared and praying in my mind... I tried to move my arm and legs... and slowly could move again...


It prayed one more time... And I run for it as I was being Chased... i run for it to the door towards my Moms room, i was scared if that thing would appear again and it would have stopped... I Open my moms room and slammed it... i Turned on the lights.. and jist hugged my mom.. i was shaking



she was like what the heck is going on..


I told her i saw a Demon, and Explained her what had happen.


Ever since for 1 month around, i Sleep with my brothers on their room, mine was left alone, until i finally sleep there again, everything was ok, i never had this experiance ever again



Last year i Research Online what had happen to me... and to my surprised, is not a Paranormal activity, what had happen to me has a Scientific Explanation, and is called Sleep Paralysis


and it can happen to anyone... at any time... some people suffered it more than once....

i had a dream once... very cold, i saw a message popup at discord , he says : Bonjourno Baguette, I answer : Me no frencherino, the person answers : I ban u, I answer pathetic, lmao and I wake up.

Hope I can benefit this post with my personal experience, it might sound really weird but I actually dreamed that, it was very traumatic for me, for days i had this french accent in my head saying JE BAN TOI, ive been slowly getting over it but im still waking up at night sometimes , sweating and being in shock.

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<r><QUOTE author="TheAkalli" post_id="497045" time="1516309382" user_id="869843"><s>


[Censored],what an heartbreaking story pulse,It saddens me such things could ever happend to someone.




i was really doubting if I should post my experience so im really thankfull that you aknowledge my experience, definitly made my day better!</r>


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