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Hello folks :Smile:


I have created this topic to request [mention]STRATEGIST[/mention] to post the tip here which he got from Moderator Stregan. So, can you please post it here as it would benifitial for me and others. I was going to request you in this thread but you locked it. So, can you...? :thanks:

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My issue to say, sell ____ on location ___ and price ___ was that i post 5 pokes per time, since we sell various ammount of pokes, so would not have the space for does details



we get constant false buys (which some are misunderstandings from new players without experiance)



He suggested to

Next time when you get those "I will buy the poke" PMs, you might as well confirm the buying price before closing on the location meet up



you also mention something similar about it


but just wanted to be extra sure, and this mod seeing the multiple reports on similar actions gave me that tip


thanks Stregan and GrandWarden for your advices, it will sure help for the future



keep up the great works


im greatful for your tips

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Just a reminder though. Cases which we handle in reports varies from case to case and may not be the same each and everytime.


We also have to put in mind that sometimes buyers can change their decision or made a mistake when deciding to buy a certain pokemon, change their minds and cancel the said deal. It is true it is reportable since both agreed on a deal already but I hope sellers can also be more lenient especially to the "not so veteran" players. (most of the reports i got is from players who are less than 100 hours ingame yet).


I am glad that my tip helped you and have a nice day.

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