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Speed Boost is bugged!


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Speed Boost is boosting on revenge turns.


I killed a pokemon with Darkrai (which then died to life orb) on turn 5 and turn 6 he brought Blaziken in and he must have gotten the Speed Boost on that turn because he outsped and killed my Gengar.

He wasn't scarf as he used Flare Blitz to kill my Gengar and HJK to kill my Chansey the turn after.


I tested this after with a friend using Explosion on turn 1, killing both lead pokemon and again Blaziken outsped my Gengar on the next turn:


Here is a quick replay from Showdown and as you can see Blaziken doesn't get the Speed Boost until the end of Turn 2:




After further testing it seems to only boost if both pokemon die on the turn before, ie: Explosion, Life Orb damage etc. (which according to Showdown is not supposed to happen)

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Hello Gouldy. The Offical information about the ability Speed Boost state the following;


"In battle


At the end of each turn, Speed Boost raises the Speed stat of the Pokémon with this Ability by one stage.


Speed Boost will not activate on the turn the Pokémon with the Ability is switched in (even if it gains the Ability after switching in). It will activate if the Pokémon is switched in due to a previous Pokémon fainting. "


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I Am Strong Because I've Been Weak. I Am Fearless Because I've Been Afraid. I Am Wise Because I've Been Foolish.

IGN: Pelfie - Shiny Wild OT Count: 54 - Guild: Fluffy Nation - Game Time: +2200Hrs - Server: Silver


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What's said on showdown database;


"This Pokemon's Speed is raised by 1 stage at the end of each full turn it has been on the field."


So i whould asume, PRO doesn't follow the showdown but rather the latter.


Which makes your little showdown test invalid.


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I Am Strong Because I've Been Weak. I Am Fearless Because I've Been Afraid. I Am Wise Because I've Been Foolish.

IGN: Pelfie - Shiny Wild OT Count: 54 - Guild: Fluffy Nation - Game Time: +2200Hrs - Server: Silver


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There's only 2 ways: the right way and the wrong way.


If you play on DS you would know Speed Boost doesn't activate on the turn its brought in, unless its a straight switch.


You really think a competitive battle sim (that's been around for years) would get this wrong?

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Did you even read what i said? "It will activate if the Pokémon is switched in due to a previous Pokémon fainting." And from what you described what happend, sure sound like it.


Then again, whether or not that's intended beats me.


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I Am Strong Because I've Been Weak. I Am Fearless Because I've Been Afraid. I Am Wise Because I've Been Foolish.

IGN: Pelfie - Shiny Wild OT Count: 54 - Guild: Fluffy Nation - Game Time: +2200Hrs - Server: Silver


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Did you even watch the 2 replays? and who even are you. If you are not staff I don't see why you are commenting on this.


I'm not even bothered, I PVP on SD rather than Pro, but I picked up on this during a friendly battle with a friend and think the staff should be aware of a potential bug.


Screen from a chat with a Showdown moderator:


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Did you even watch the 2 replays? and who even are you. If you are not staff I don't see why you are commenting on this.


I'm not even bothered, I PVP on SD rather than Pro, but I picked up on this during a friendly battle with a friend and think the staff should be aware of a potential bug.


Screen from a chat with a Showdown moderator:


Hello friend!


I think everything is not similar between showdown and PRO. So, this may not be a bug and it maybe intended.

Also, we, the players of PRO have the right to comment our opinions on certain forum topics. No offense, just wanted to tell you. Good luck :Shy:

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