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Please we need this.


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So today i want to speak of a important thing in Pokemon community.


So, for me and so much player ladder show nothing and you dont need to spam ladder for be good.


So, we need more tourney cuz you cant progress with only PvP, i think, you can do rare event with some present like big tourney when player have time but a daily tourney for win nothing can be good.


I know the answer : "Go to showdown for a daily tourney."


But i will respond this to you : Showdown meta :

static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-300-300/4062-Landorus-Therian.png (cant upload picture here.)


PRO meta :



So, ive got a example with 2 player : Fantazi01 and Zarate619? Fantazi is less present than Zarate in ladder but won a tourney and Zarate lost, you will say "Why ?" cuz he progress in tourney.


So, i think new player will come to PvP more and community will grow.


So have a nice day everyone and Good Bye. :Grin:

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Laddering tooks a lot of time, while for tourney u have to just catch each other and do few h-skill battles.

+1 from me.


Also each tournament could have specific rules like banned Talons u mentioned, what would let us think a bit on the optimal strategies.. :)

Edited by Luohan

discord: luohan#1745

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